Plan Unit Defense SFC Rosario
TASK Plan Unit Defense MTP Task
CONDITIONS The unit’s defensive area of responsibility has been assigned by higher HQ Staff element and defense of the area must be planned. The unit Commander has conducted a dismounted recon of the area with the AQP OIC. Selected personnel have occupied initial security positions. The layout plan is finalized. Automatic weapons systems have been position on likely avenues of approach. The unit;s administrative and operational areas are establish simultaneously with it’s defensive set up. Your performance will be evaluated using TE&O’s
TASK STANDARD Defense plan is completed IAQ the TSOP and higher HQ guidance and is integrated into higher HQ defense plan. At MOPP 4, performance degradation factors increase unit’s planning
TASK STEPS and PERFORMANCE MEASURES Commander and leaders perform terrain analysis of unit’s area or responsibility Commander and leaders prepare preliminary base fire plan Commander and leaders prepare preliminary mobility and countermobility plan Commander and leaders prepare preliminary air defense Commander prepares reaction force plan Commander prepares ground early-warning plan Commander plans sector defense Section/Squad leaders plan sector defense
STEP 1 Commander & Leaders perform terrain analysis of unit’s area of responsibility Maintain situational awareness using analog or digital communications Identify terrain features that provide cover and concealment Identify likely avenues of approach mounted & dismounted Identify dead space Identify locations of preplanned indirect fire targets and TRP Target Reference Points Identify restrictive fire zones within vicinity of unit area of responsibility
STEP 2 CDR’S & LDR’S Prepare Preliminary Base Fire Plan List available weapons systems and element to which they are assigned Calculate each elements personnel asset during normal operations Designated subelement boundaries that cover the unit area of responsibility based on the normal availability of weapons & personnel List probable engagement areas based on terrain analysis Establish coordination channels with adjacent units List target areas for each type weapon system in the unit List indirect fire and close air support CAS target reference point Coordinate fire support coordination measures with higher HQ staff element using analog and or digital communications
STEP 3 CDR’S & LDRS Prepare Preliminary Mobility & Countermobility Plan List locations of obstacles and types based on desired engagement areas, dead space and preplanned indirect fire support using analog or digital communications Identify available obstacle assets and resources for emplacement Coordinate additional obstacle requirements with higher HQ staff element using analog and or digital communications or messenger
STEP 4 CDR’S & LDR’S Prepare Preliminary Air Defense Plan Identify applicable air defense policies, procedures, and requirements in higher HQ and unit TSOP List probable air avenues of approach List current weapon control status as received from higher HQ staff element Identify air defense warning signals Designate locations for air watch positions
STEP 5 Commander Prepares Reaction Force Plan Lists base cluster reaction force requirements based on higher HQ TSOP or guidance Lists internal reaction force requirement based on unit TSOP and personnel availability Designates internal reaction force rally point Lists subelements tasking for external and internal reaction forces requirements
STEP 6 Commander Prepares Ground Early-Warning Plan Designates location for employment of Patrol Early Warning System (PEWS) based on terrain analysis Designates location(s) for deliberate OPs and LPs
STEP 7 Commander Plans Sector Defense Designates boundaries of subelement based on unit plan Note: Boundaries should be consistent with deployed weapons systems and personnel available to man the perimeter Designates crew-served automatic weapon positions with fields of fire that cover most likely avenues of approach and afford maximum cover and concealment Designates anti-armor weapons positions Assigns sectors of fire to crew-served weapons where their fires overlap, integrate and mutually support beyond hand grenade range Assigns armor kill zones for ant-armor weapons within the element Assigns grenade launcher positions to cover dead space areas Designates individual weapon positions where fires overlap and provide flank security for automatic weapons Identifies indirect fire CAS target reference points within sector Identifies locations and types of obstacles & fire Zones within sector Coordinates integration of interlocking fires with adjacent units L/R
STEP 8 Section/Squad Leaders Plan Sector Defense Identify all primary positions within the section/squad’s sector Identify locations of obstacles, target reference points (TRP’s), and restrictive fire zones within the sections/squad’s defensive sector Select alternate positions for each primary position that covers the same sector of fire as the primary position (Hasty’s) Select individual alternate positions base on key weapon alternate position Select alternate positions that provide covered and concealed withdrawal routes Select supplementary positions that are within 200 meters of primary positions and are oriented in a different direction from primary positions Designate sectors of fire for each supplementary position that interlock and provide mutual supporting fire Coordinate integration of interlocking fires with adjacent elements using analog and or digital communication
Company B 3/124 HHC SPT 2/116 1/124 Company C Company A Main Gate LZ MED 2/124 HHC BDE 153 ENG TM HVY LZ LOG Appendix 3 (BSA Layout) to Annex C (Operations Overlay) to 53 SPT BN OPORD
Company B 3/124 HHC SPT 2/116 1/124 Company C Company A Main Gate LZ MED 2/124 HHC BDE 153 ENG TM HVY LZ LOG Appendix 4 (BSA Traffic Pattern) to Annex C (Operations Overlay) to 53 SPT BN OPORD
A/Q Party Support Battalion Units A B C HHC Tenant Field Trains Appendix 5 (ISB Layout) to ANNEX C (Operations) to 53 SPT BN OPORD C-5-1