Overview of the Early Literacy Network of Support/Using ZOOM WV to Support the County Campaign.


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Presentation transcript:

Overview of the Early Literacy Network of Support/Using ZOOM WV to Support the County Campaign

Session Goals: Introduce the Early Literacy Specialists that comprise the statewide Network of Support Share a draft of the Mid-Term report Provide resources to help you complete your Mid-Term Report Talk about next steps and future webinars

WV Transformative System of Support for Early Literacy 75% of the 5.7 million included in the Governor’s allocation for Early Literacy goes to counties with approved County Action Plans The remaining 25%: –Statewide System of Support for Early Literacy –RESA competitive grants –Continued development of the WVELRS –Longitudinal Study to examine the impact of high quality early learning programing on student achievement

Berkeley Brooke Calhoun Hancock Jefferson Marshall Morgan Ohio Pleasants Roane Tyler Wetzel Wirt Wood Tracy Komorowski

Vickie Smith Boone Braxton Cabell Clay Fayette Greenbrier Kanawha Lincoln Nicholas Pocahontas Putnam Wayne Webster

Doddridge Gilmer Jackson Lewis Mason McDowell Mercer Monroe Preston Raleigh Ritchie Summers Taylor Wyoming Nicky Whitt

Barbour Grant Hampshire Hardy Harrison Logan Marion Mineral Mingo Monongalia Pendleton Randolph Tucker Upshur Maggie Yelencsics

Mid-Term Reports Due February 29, 2016

School Readiness

Goal 1: To have a higher percentage of pre-k children entering school scoring at the 2-5 range on the Early Learning Reporting System: Pre-K (Report the percentage of children performing at the 2-5 range on the ELRS: Pre-K) This will be during the initial reporting period. This report will be available December 1 to county pre-k contacts. Recommendation: In year one, a 25 percent increase over baseline (This is the national campaign target) This will be achieved through your school readiness action steps listed below. IF ALL TEACHERS DO NOT REGISTER ON ELRS AND COMPLETE THEIR CLASSROOM DATA ENTRY BY NOV. 6, YOU WILL NOT HAVE ACCURATE SCORES! Skill Baseline % of children reported as performing at the 2-5 range Targeted Outcome Self-regulation Play Oral Language Phonological Awareness Print Awareness Writing

Goal 2: To have a higher percentage of kindergarten children entering school scoring at the Developing, At Standard, or Above Standard on the Early Learning Reporting System List the strategies utilized under action steps below. (Report the percentage of children performing at the Developing, At Standard, and Above Standard levels on the ELRS: K for the first reporting period) This report will be available December 1 to county Kindergarten contacts. Add the 3 levels together (or remove the % emerging) Recommendation: In year one, a 25 percent increase over baseline IF ALL TEACHERS DO NOT COMPLETE THEIR CLASSROOM DATA ENTRY BY OCT. 30, YOU WILL NOT HAVE ACCURATE SCORES. SkillBaselineTargeted Outcome Fluency Phonics and Word Recognition Phonological Awareness Print Concepts Writing

Goal 3: To have a higher percentage of children entering school with completed health information This information is accessible to school nurses in WVEIS, if it was entered. If it was not entered, you will compile it from the student comprehensive physicals, oral health forms and immunization information required for school attendance. This information is gathered from WVEIS and reported yearly in The School Readiness Profile. Recommendation: In year one, a 25 percent increase over baseline Health DeterminantsBaselineTargeted Outcome Immunizations Health Check Form: Hearing Health Check Form: Vision Health Check Form: Oral Health Health Check Form: Developmental Health Check Form: Speech and Language


Goal 4: To increase the percentage of kindergarten children demonstrating proficiency on the Early Learning Reporting System at the end of the year (Report the percentage of children performing At Standard or Above Standard on the ELRS: K) This information will either be ed to each county on Dec. 1 or there will be a report available to county kindergarten contacts on the ELRS: K site. Recommendation: In year one, an increase of 5 percentage points over baseline BaselineData InstrumentTargeted Outcome

Goal 5: To increase the percentage of pre-k children demonstrating proficiency on the Early Learning Reporting System at Checkpoint 3 (Report the percentage of children performing at the 4-5 range on the ELRS: Pre-K) This information will either be ed to each county on Dec. 1 or there will be a report available to county pre-k contacts on the ELRS: Pre-K site. Recommendation: In year one, an increase of 5 percentage points over baseline BaselineData InstrumentTargeted Outcome

ZoomWVZoomWV-e Public siteSecure, private site Available for anyoneAvailable for educators by role No log-on/credentials requiredRequires secure, authenticated log-on Reports from certified, locked data collections Reports information from transactional student information system Updated annually/semi-annuallyUpdated nightly No student-level information (aggregate only on server, dashboards) Both aggregate and student-level information (available by role) Reports from WVEIS Easy-to-use displays and filters Launched in December 2014Launched in June 2015 ZoomWV & ZoomWV-e

Link to Zoom!

Contact the Zoom Team ZoomWV Help Desk Georgia Hughes-Webb Data Governance Manager Brian Nichols SLDS Coordinator

Next Steps Review the Mid-Term Report Template Provide feedback for revisions Determine what pieces of data you have/need Utilize your network of support Send us your Bright Spots

Webinar Series November 18, 2015 Promising Practices / Looking at Data to Support Extended Day and Extended Year Learning December 16, 2015 Promising Practices / Looking at Data to Support School Readiness January 20, 2016 Promising Practices / Looking at Data to Support School Attendance February 17, 2016 Promising Practices / Looking at Data to Support Family Engagement March 16, 2016 Supporting the County Action Plan April 20, 2016 Plan Revisions

For assistance: (Office) (Cell)