A man and a woman are meeting for the first time. The man’s surname is Longfellow, but he is actually very short. The woman’s surname is Brown, but she.


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Presentation transcript:

A man and a woman are meeting for the first time. The man’s surname is Longfellow, but he is actually very short. The woman’s surname is Brown, but she actually has very light skin. (L = Mr. Longfellow, B = Ms. Brown)

L: Hi, my name is John Longfellow. B: Hi, John. Sorry, I didn’t catch your last name. L: It’s Longfellow. But, in fact, as you can see, I’m actually a short fellow. B: That’s very funny. I’m Vera Brown. Please call me Vera. L: Nice to meet you, Vera.

B: People also find my name humorous. As you can see, my skin is very light, but my name Vera Brown sounds like “very brown.” L: Hey, that’s funny, too! B: And are you from here in New York, John?

L: Yes. I was born here, and I’ve lived here all my life. I’ve never wanted to leave. How about you? B: I’ve been here since I graduated from college. L: Where are you from originally? B: I’m originally from Brownsville in Texas.

Tips for You Texas  n. ( 美國 ) 德克薩斯州 Back

light 在此用來形容「膚色白皙 的」,此外,其他常用來修飾膚 色的形容詞尚有: pale ( 蒼白的 ) 、 dark ( 黝黑的 ) 、 tanned ( 曬成棕褐 色的 ) 、 oily ( 油性的 ) 、 dry ( 乾性的 ) 和 sensitive ( 敏感的 ) skin 。 Back

catch 是指「理解,聽清楚」,相 當於 understand 。例: Sorry, I didn’t catch your words. Please repeat them again. Back

...as you can see.... as 在此為「正如 … 一樣」,為從 屬連接詞。例: As you think, I will leave for Taipei next week. Back

People also find my name humorous. find + O + OC (Adj) 在此形容詞 humorous 用來修飾 my name 。例: I found my purse empty. Back

I’ve been here since I graduated from college. S + have/has + Vpp + since + S + V.... 自從 … 起就一直 … I have put on two pounds since I stopped jogging. Back

Brownsville ( 布朗斯維爾 ) 是美國 德克薩斯州最南部的城市,位於 格蘭德河北岸,對岸為墨西哥的 城市馬塔莫羅斯 (Matamoros) 。 Back