Expenses Timesheets Approvals Expense capture Timesheets Expense capture Timesheets Expense capture Timesheets
Use ADFS to authenticate users based on AD credentials. Receive claim to prove user and company identity. Authentication Use Azure Service Bus to relay messages from device to AX server. Use a simple WCF service to listen on the service bus and talk to AX. On-premises
Active Directory Federation Services Dynamics AX Windows Store Application Azure Service Bus / Access Control Service WCF Service (Connector for Mobile Applications) Dynamics AX Authentication Token (SAML) 3 Message + Auth Token 4 Message + Auth Token 5 Message 1 Authentication Request 6 Message 7 Message 8 Message
HMTL5/Javascript Built common libraries for use across apps. Use third-party JS libraries for key functions App Technology Using IndexedDB for local storage Limited use of cached data with expiration policies Local Storage
The apps respect AX field settings (hidden, visible…) based on AX metadata. The apps adapt for configuration and policy settings. Approval app will work with any AX WF approval element AX Adaptation Globalization is based on the regional settings of the device Date, currency, numbers, RTL Localization is based on the language of the AX user Apps will use strings from base AX Local resource files with translations Globalization Localization
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