Introduction Structure Limitation SAARC
Introduction The South Asia Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) comprises the eight countries of South Asia, i.e. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, The Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. In 1985 Heads of seven states (Afghanistan was not a member then) officially launched SAARC by signing a Charter of SAARC and adopted Dhaka Declaration. It does not discuss bilateral issues. SAARC
SAARC Areas of Cooperation: Agriculture and Rural Development Biotechnology Culture Economic and Trade Education Energy Environment Finance Funding Mechanism Information, Communication and Media People to People Contact Poverty Alleviation Science and Technology Security Aspects Social Developments Tourism SAARC
SAARC STRUCTURE Council of Ministers (COM) Standing Committee Technical Committee Programming Committee Other Mechanism Expert Groups SAARC
SAARC Council of Minister Council of Minister Council of Ministers (COM) consists of ministers of foreign/external affairs of member states. It is mandated to meet twice a year and also to hold its extra ordinary session (by agreement of among the member states). It is governed by Article 5 of the SAARC Charter. SAARC
SAARC Standing Committee It consists of foreign secretaries of SAARC member states. It approves, monitors and prepares modalities of the projects. Also, looks after the projects' financial aspects. It is mandated to meet as often as necessary. Generally, it has preceding sessions of COM. The committee reports to COM on regular matters. SAARC
SAARC Technical Committee Agricultural and Rural Development Health and Population Activities Women, Youth and Children Science and Technology Transport Environment SAARC
Programming/Action Committee It assists the Standing Committee in matters relating to: Selection of regional projects, including their locations Cost Sharing modalities among the member states It generally meets preceding the sessions of the standing committee. It is also mandated to convene on stand-alone basis to coordinate implementation of the approved SAARC programmes and activities. SAARC
Other Mechanisms Expert Groups: HIV Energy Agriculture etc. SAARC
SAARC Limitation of SAARC According to SAARC Group of Eminent Persons' Report (1998): Could not evolve any collective measures for global economic negotiations, Collective decisions remained unexecuted, and People to people interaction remained inactive. India is blamed of trying to dominate the forum and furthering its agenda to dominating the region. SAARC