My Home By Manuel Araiza
Life in the Fields Children that live out on the fields have to face unreasonable challenges day by day. They have to live under harsh conditions. They are constantly migrating from place to place following the seasonal picks alongside with their parents. Children of fieldworkers are less likely to be successful in the future because they think that farm life is the highest level of society they can achieve.
Manuel at Home
A Step Into My Shoes Manuel Araiza and his family have to experience obstacles day by day. They left their hometown in search for a better future but instead they received a more difficult life status. They live in homes that are jam packed with other migrant farm workers. They live in homes that don’t provide the sufficient conditions a growing family needs. “It was hot in Mexico, but it is worst here.” “It was hot in Mexico, but it is worst here.” “Since it is a small place, we are all squished together, and sometimes it is really hot.” “Since it is a small place, we are all squished together, and sometimes it is really hot.”
The Bumpy Road Manuel has to travel alongside with his parents to follow the season crops. He has low expectations of himself and his future. He expects to become a farm worker just like his father. “Families… are constantly moving…” “Families… are constantly moving…” “I want to work in the fields and pick the raspberries and take them in a truck to the store and drive my truck all over America.” “I want to work in the fields and pick the raspberries and take them in a truck to the store and drive my truck all over America.”
His Future Life
Implications Now that we read a story of an underprivileged child who has to pay the consequences that his parents brought up on him. This has taught us to take everything as a blessing and to appreciate what we have. We also learned that we shouldn’t take things for granted because there are other children who crave for our privileges.
Unanswered Questions Is it hard to concentrate in school knowing about the struggles your family goes through in the fields? Is it hard to concentrate in school knowing about the struggles your family goes through in the fields? What are your parents expectations towards you? What are your parents expectations towards you? Do kids at school make fun of you because of where you come from? Do kids at school make fun of you because of where you come from?
This presentation was brought to you by: Ivania Zepeda Kimberly Soriano Nicholas Betancourt Dario Chabelas