Hertfordshire County Council ENF conference. Jan 16 Early Years Assessments
Hertfordshire County Council
Hertfordshire County Council Inclusion in the early years Expectations ENF handbook Section 6 Early Years Foundation Stage
Hertfordshire County Council Early Years Assessments Early Years Foundation Stage – Development matters Individual Assessment of Early Learning and Development Early Support. Developmental Journal
Hertfordshire County Council IAELD: Individual Assessment of Early Learning and Development Developed 10 years ago, amended over time Not standardised, but based on standardised assessments Use varies across areas Looks at functional skills in context of setting Challenges: uneven profiles (eg ASD) and summarising skills Inherent weaknesses (associated with all EY assessments) due to human factor See ‘Top Tips’
Hertfordshire County Council E Y Assessments continued…. Paediatric assessments tend to report children’s development using: Griffiths Developmental assessment – reports to developmental age levels. Schedule of growing skills – reports to developmental age levels.
Hertfordshire County Council E Y Assessments continued…. Standardised scores: results put an individual in the context of their peer group nationally Percentiles (sometimes reported as General Quotient by Paediatricians). Scaled scores or Index scores: can be 1-10 or Broad average range is 7-13 or Standardised assessments are only part of the picture and should never be the only piece of information used to make decisions about performance/functioning, vespecially with young children. Issues re: fatigue, illness, access to assessment, meaningfulness to the curriculum or practical strategies.
Hertfordshire County Council E Y Assessments continued…. Educational Psychologist assessments: BAS Early Years or WPPSI: both standardised assessments Many EPs choose alternative ways of assessing skill, due to reliability concerns and appropriateness Interested in functional skills and progress over time. Holistic perspective
Hertfordshire County Council E Y Assessments continued…. P scales- yes or no?
Hertfordshire County Council Potential issues Consistency of reporting- Why may there be discrepancies ?
Hertfordshire County Council Exceptionality - What panels should be looking for..... Evidence that the child has a need that is low incidence across the local authority Evidence that the strategies outlined are appropriate and targeted Awareness of issues around implementation
Hertfordshire County Council Exceptionality - What panels should be looking for..... Not all children with an EHCP are deemed ‘exceptional’ Early years children with difficulties such as hearing or visual impairment should have the exceptionality descriptors for those needs applied.
Hertfordshire County Council Sources of support and advice. ENF handbook. Systemic advice re process – ENF cluster lead / Inclusion development officer. Advice re an individual child’s application – the child’s Advisory Teacher or Educational Psychologist.