Keywords: Gene, chromosomes, undifferentiated plasmid, base pairs, Keywords: hydrogen bonds, B2 Topic 1 The Components of Life This topic looks at: DNA.


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Presentation transcript:

Keywords: Gene, chromosomes, undifferentiated plasmid, base pairs, Keywords: hydrogen bonds, B2 Topic 1 The Components of Life This topic looks at: DNA in detail and how cells divide Genetic Issues Enzymes and conditions affecting them Draw, label and describe the function of the following cells: Animal Cell Plant Cell Bacteria Cell Use diagrams to show the stages in genetic engineering What uses are there for genetic engineering? What is the human genome project? STEM CELLS What are stem cells, how can they be used and where do we find them? Organisms have adapted to live in extreme environments, what are two examples of these? What are the 4 bases in DNA and how do they pair up?

Keywords: enculeated, daughter cell, parent cell, biological Keywords: genetically identical, body cells, haploid, diploid B2 Topic 1 The Components of Life This topic looks at: DNA in detail and how cells divide Genetic Issues Enzymes and conditions affecting them CELL DIVISION There are 2 types of cell division. Draw the stages in each one and state where they occur in the body MITOSIS MEIOSIS CLONING Use diagrams with explanations to show how cloning occurs. What are enzymes? What is a catalyst? Where are enzymes found? What 3 things affect how an enzyme works? Sketch a graph to show how the 3 factors mentioned earlier affect how an enzyme works

Keywords: Gene, chromosomes, undifferentiated plasmid, base pairs, Keywords: hydrogen bonds, B2 Topic 1 The Components of Life This topic looks at: DNA in detail and how cells divide Genetic Issues Enzymes and conditions affecting them Protein Synthesis Describe what transcription and translation are use diagrams to aid you. Use the following key words Protein Synthesis From the single strand of DNA, follow the steps to work out the sequence of amino acids… DON’T FORGET THAT mRNA HAS A ‘U’ INSTEAD OF ‘T’. 1. DNA= A A T G G C T T G A C T C T A mRNA = ____________________________ tRNA triplets: ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Order of _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ amino acids: 2. DNA= T G G C T A G T A A A G C T T mRNA = ____________________________ tRNA triplets: ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Order of _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ amino acids: How many base pairs make up an amino acid? How many amino acids are there? Which base pairs match up in DNA?

Keywords: Gene, chromosomes, undifferentiated plasmid, base pairs, Keywords: hydrogen bonds, B2 Topic 1 The Components of Life This topic looks at: DNA in detail and how cells divide Genetic Issues Enzymes and conditions affecting them Draw, label and describe the function of the following cells: Animal Cell Plant Cell Bacteria Cell Use diagrams to show the stages in genetic engineering What uses are there for genetic engineering? What is the human genome project? STEM CELLS What are stem cells, how can they be used and where do we find them? What are the 4 bases in DNA and how do they pair up?

Keywords: enculeated, daughter cell, parent cell, biological Keywords: genetically identical, body cells, haploid, diploid B2 Topic 1 The Components of Life This topic looks at: DNA in detail and how cells divide Genetic Issues Enzymes and conditions affecting them CELL DIVISION There are 2 types of cell division. Draw the stages in each one and state where they occur in the body MITOSIS MEIOSIS CLONING Use diagrams with explanations to show how cloning occurs. What are enzymes? What is a catalyst? Where are enzymes found? What 3 things affect how an enzyme works? Sketch a graph to show how the 3 factors mentioned earlier affect how an enzyme works

Keywords: Gene, chromosomes, undifferentiated plasmid, base pairs, Keywords: hydrogen bonds, B2 Topic 1 The Components of Life This topic looks at: DNA in detail and how cells divide Genetic Issues Enzymes and conditions affecting them Protein Synthesis Describe what transcription and translation are use diagrams to aid you. Use the following key words Protein Synthesis From the single strand of DNA, follow the steps to work out the sequence of amino acids… DON’T FORGET THAT mRNA HAS A ‘U’ INSTEAD OF ‘T’. 1. DNA= A A T G G C T T G A C T C T A mRNA = ____________________________ 2. DNA= T G G C T A G T A A A G C T T mRNA = ____________________________ How many base pairs make up a codon? What is transamination? Explain how temperature effects enzyme activity.

Keywords: alveoli, capillaries, oxygen, glucose, Keywords: lactic acid, exercise, muscles, energy, cramp B2 Topic 2 Organisms and Energy This topic looks at: Respiration – aerobic and anaerobic Photosynthesis and limiting factors Organisms and their environments How is anaerobic respiration different to aerobic respiration? What is EPOC Exercise Post Oxygen Consumption? Aerobic respiration The lungs are full of tiny air sacs called alveoli surrounded by capillaries. Describe how oxygen enters the blood in the lungs and carbon dioxide leaves. There is a diagram to help you. What is diffusion? Draw a particle diagram to explain what you mean. It is possible to jog for five hours why is it not possible to sprint for 5 hours? EXERCISE What happens to the heart rate and breathing rate during exercise? Why? What is the word equation for respiration why do we need to respire? Cardiac volume = stroke rate x heart rate What do the following mean? Cardiac volume = Stroke rate = Heart rate =

Keywords, glucose, starch, concentration gradient, sunlight, energy, chloroplasts Keywords: chlorophyll, stomata, guard cell, waxy cuticle, gas diffusion, B2 Topic 2 Organisms and Energy This topic looks at: Respiration – aerobic and anaerobic Photosynthesis and limiting factors Organisms and their environments Label the different parts of a leaf and explain how each is adapted for photosynthesis Osmosis What is osmosis and why dies it occur. Draw particle diagrams to explain your answers. Which factors affect the rate of photosynthesis? If the stomata on a leaf is blocked why will the plant die? What is the word equation for photosynthesis and why do plants do it? Which part of the plant is responsible for photosynthesis? Draw a cell of this below

Keywords: high concentration, low concentration, concentration gradient, water movement Keywords: partially permeable membrane, water molecules, water vapour B2 Topic 2 Organisms and Energy This topic looks at: Respiration – aerobic and anaerobic Photosynthesis and limiting factors Organisms and their environments How does the environment affect organisms living in it? What are the following objects used for? Osmosis What is osmosis and why dies it occur. Draw particle diagrams to explain your answers. What is active transport, how is it different to diffusion and osmosis? Transpiration How is water moved around the plants? (Hint keywords; evaporation, diffusion, xylem). How are root hair cells adapted for absorption? What carries a)Water and salts around the plant? b) Glucose around the plant?

Keywords: oxygenated blood, deoxygenate blood, energy, walls, plasma, haemoglobin Keywords: muscle, growth, B2 Topic 3 Common systems This topic looks at: Fossils and evolution The heart, blood and circulation Digestion What are the main components of blood and what do they do, add pictures to each component. Label this diagram of the heart Growth in animals involved cell division what is the name for this? Stem cells are formed, what are these? How are they different from specialised cells? What are arteries, veins and capillaries. Describe and draw each below What is a fossil? Why are there gaps in the fossil record? Describe the route of the blood around the heart.

Keywords: gall bladder, oesophagus, kidney, liver, small intestine, large intestine Keywords: enzymes, acidic B2 Topic 3 Common systems This topic looks at: Fossils and evolution The heart, blood and circulation Digestion Label the digestive system and explain what each does. For each food group label what it needs to be broken down into and the enzyme used to break it down. Carbohydrates  Fats  Proteins  Growth in animals involved cell division what is the name for this? Stem cells are formed, what are these? How are they different from specialised cells? Why does food need to be broken down? What are the main food groups? Explain what peristalsis is draw a diagram to aid your explanation.

Keywords: surface area, absorption, capillaries, nutrients, Keywords: digest, bacteria B2 Topic 3 Common systems This topic looks at: Fossils and evolution The heart, blood and circulation Digestion Explain the journey of a ham and cheese sandwich through the body What are villi and why are they important in digestion? (how does their shape affect the rate of absorption?) Coeliac disease This is an disease which damages the villi in the small intestine. What problems could this cause? What is the role of bile in the digestive system. What are probiotics and prebiotics?