UNIT 4 SEMINAR: Know Your Sources --Unit 4 Project explained --Quality academic sources --Using the Kaplan Library --Questions and Answers about the assigned reading : “Top Ten Mistakes in Academic Research” CM103: Effective Writing I for Criminal Justice Majors Welcome to seminar! We will begin at the top of the hour. Please feel free to chat with your classmates in the interim.
Before we get into the content of the session…. OPENING REMARKS
“Where Is It?” UNIT 4 PROJECT Click here to find the project directions! Always be sure to click on each tab and icon in each unit. That way, you won’t miss anything!
Use the template under Unit 4’s “Home.” Click on “Assignment” and scroll down to “template.” Click on that and be sure to hit “Save.” “Support and Documentation”: Find Four Sources About Your Research Topic UNIT 4 PROJECT Templates save time and energy; the font size, spacing, and assignment details are all in place!
More Help With the Unit 4 Project: Be Sure to Click on Each Icon under “Assignment” UNIT 4 PROJECT
Under “Directions,” You Have an “Assignment Guide”: UNIT 4 PROJECT... and more!
Under “Checklist,” You Will See a Handy List to Save and Use: UNIT 4 PROJECT
Under “Guide,” There Is the Full Text of the Student Writing Guide I: UNIT 4 PROJECT Be sure to save your own copy!
What Makes a “Quality” Academic Source? What Should We Look For? QUALITY ACADEMIC SOURCES In Unit 4, you are instructed to read “Research” (pp ) in Rules for Writers. “College research assignments ask you to pose a question worth exploring, to read widely in search of possible answers, to interpret what you read, to draw reasoned conclusions, and to support those conclusions with valid and well- documented evidence.” To do all this, we need to know how to determine what a reliable source is!
What Makes a “Quality” Academic Source? What Should We Look For? QUALITY ACADEMIC SOURCES All articles within the Kaplan University Library are acceptable academic sources, but what do we look for when “out there” on the Internet, in retail bookstores, and at public libraries? How can we determine a reliable Web site? (and host/author?) Book? Article? Other sources (manuals, pamphlets, documentaries, TV shows?)
Click on the “Extra! Extra!” tab: Please Watch the “Video Introduction to the New Kaplan Library” This Week USING THE KU LIBRARY Scroll down:
Once there, click on “Library,” and you will see: The KU Library may also be accessed from the “My Studies” tab on your home page. USING THE KU LIBRARY
Put keywords into “ “ for a narrower search: Sources At Your Fingertips! USING THE KU LIBRARY We can also search by: Author Full Text Keyword Subject Abstract Any
Unit 4 Reading: Q & A: “TOP TEN MISTAKES IN ACADEMIC RESEARCH” Perhaps we all can relate to some of the mistakes in the list! For example: “10. Not Giving Yourself Enough Time to Research” Have you ever done this?
IN CONCLUSION Questions? Comments? The Unit 4 Project is due Tuesday night Work with the process of the readings, checklist, and template me any questions Have a great week!