Japanese Whaling: Have the whales have been saved? Think again… Japanese Whaling: Have the whales have been saved? Think again… Chelsea Domeier
Traditional to Commercial Norwegian techniques Norwegian techniques Number of species attacked grows Number of species attacked grows Methods debatable Methods debatable Post WWII Post WWII
YearFinBlueHumpbackSeiGreyRightSperm , , ,107 Catch Records from 1920 to 1960: Source:
“Scientific” Whaling Japan’s Refusal to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) Japan’s Refusal to the International Whaling Commission (IWC) A loophole A loophole “Monitoring whale migration, population, and feeding habits” “Monitoring whale migration, population, and feeding habits”
Southern Ocean Sanctuary Antarctic Seas suffering most devastation Antarctic Seas suffering most devastation Set up by IWC Set up by IWC Purpose to repopulate Purpose to repopulate Japan only nation to vote against Japan only nation to vote against
Do Japanese traditional whaling values still pertain to today’s commercial industry? Whole whale is not used Whole whale is not used Myths circulate Myths circulate Industry does not draw in young recruits Industry does not draw in young recruits Not necessary to eat whale meat Not necessary to eat whale meat Kill many protected species Kill many protected species
This profitable 'industry' should not be confused with 'cultural identity'.