Detailed Components Monitoring Jose Gonzalez Universidad Politecnica Madrid
Infrastructure Monitoring Adapters Overview 24/06/2014Madrid FI-Ops Training Sessions: Monitoring Components2
XIFI Infrastructure Monitoring Middleware (XIMM) 24/06/20143Madrid FI-Ops Training Sessions: Monitoring Components XIMM FEDERATION MONITORING Adaptation layer between monitoring tools and Federation Monitoring Monitoring connectivity among regions
XIFI Monitoring Architecture 24/06/20144Madrid FI-Ops Training Sessions: Monitoring Components
NGSI Adapter 24/06/20145Madrid FI-Ops Training Sessions: Monitoring Components NGSI Adapter takes the raw monitoring data collected by the XIMM Adapter below, to standardize and publish it to the Federation Monitoring GE's Context Broker. In order to make the adapters as much independent from other XIMM modules as possible, it shall be extended by a set of parsers specifically developed for each concrete monitoring probe
Network Active Monitoring - NAM 24/06/20146Madrid FI-Ops Training Sessions: Monitoring Components NAM Adapter will enable us to check if Quality of Service (QoS) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) are accomplished between specific endpoints of the federation Core parameters: Bandwidth (throughput) and Latency (delay)
Datacenter & Enablers Monitoring - DEM 24/06/20147Madrid FI-Ops Training Sessions: Monitoring Components DEM Adapter is in charge of gathering performance data from both physical hardware as well as VMs and the services deployed within the infrastructures (GEs)
OpenStack Data Collector- ODC 24/06/20148Madrid FI-Ops Training Sessions: Monitoring Components ODC Adapter collects capacity data (# of cores, size of RAM, size of disk, # of users) from the OpenStack installation. Could be enhanced in order to provide other information to the rest of the monitoring system like: VM ids, association VM–Tender, etc.
Acknowledgments: The research conducted by XIFI receives funding from the European Commission FP7 under grant agreement N°: The European Commission has no responsibility for the content of this presentation. 24/06/20149Madrid FI-Ops Training Sessions: Monitoring Components Thank you for your attention! More information about XIFI: More information about FI-Ops: Jose Gonzalez - Universidad Politecnica Madrid