SSCC (Serial Shipping Container Code) How to format an SSCC
Format of GS1 standards All GS1 numbers (UPC, GTIN, SSCC, GLN) essentially have 3 parts: – Company Prefix = a number assigned and managed by GS1 that uniquely identifies a company from any other company across the globe. – Reference Number = assigned by the owner of the Company Prefix to identify what is being numbered (e.g. a pallet, a case, an item, a location, etc.) – Check Digit = an algorithm that serves as a “checks and balances” to ensure preceding digits were entered correctly. NOTE: All three parts must not be separated in order to maintain uniqueness
GS1 Data Structures Company Prefix Reference Number Check Digit Indicator Used For X X X X X X X X X XX X X X Item/CaseItemLocationPallet UPC 12 digits GTIN 14 digits SSCC 18 digits GLN 13 digits NOTE: The Company Prefix can vary from 6 digits to 9 digits. As such, the reference # will also vary depending on the size of the Company Prefix.
SSCC (Serial Shipping container code) 18 digits long Each SSCC # is unique Used for pallet identification only Each and every pallet has a UNIQUE SSCC to track that unique pallet throughout its life
SSCC Diagram NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNCD Position 18 = Packaging Type For simplicity sake, recommendation is to use a “1”, which is fully within the expanded list of guidelines issued by GS1. Position = Combination of Company Prefix and Serial # Position 1 = Check Digit 18 DIGITS LONG Position 17 = 0 showing Company Prefix was assigned in the U.S. or Canada IF Length of Company Prefix THEN Length of Serial Number ###### = 6 digits ##### = 9 digits ####### = 7 digits #### = 8 digits ######## = 8 digits ### = 7 digits ######### = 9 digits ## = 6 digits * It is for this reason that the Company Prefix is said to be “variable-length”.
Example: SSCC encoded in a 128 Barcode (00) Company PrefixPallet Reference Number (i.e. Serial Number) Check Digit