By: Victoria Guillen and Katherine Romero
Tek 2: (A) identify elements in a contemporary situation that parallel a historical situation; (B) describe variables in a contemporary situation that could result in different outcomes.
What is a contemporary situation? A contemporary situation is – a modern situation that has happened currently. A current contemporary situation is the Iraq war.
What is a historical situation? The historical situation is the first Iraq War. Over 450,000 troops were killed in the first Iraq War also called Gulf War I. This is a weapon they used in the first Iraq War!
How are both contemporary and historical situations parallel? They are parallel because they are both some thing to do with the Iraq War. The first Iraq War is called The Gulf War I and the current war is called The Gulf War II.
What are some outcomes for the contemporary situation (The First Iraq War)? Some outcomes of the first Iraq War are if they would have stopped to make peace none of the 450,000 troops would have died.
What are the outcomes in the Historical situation? Some outcomes in the historical situation are that if the would have got Saddam Hussein the second war would not had happened.
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That’s all Folks!