1 Regional Accessibility Analysis of the Constrained Long Range Transportation Plan (CLRP) National Capital Transportation Planning Board Access for All Advisory Committee Kick-Off Meeting July 12, 2001
2 Questions we were trying to answer: 1.What are the Benefits and Burdens of the CLRP? 2. What is the Demographic Profile of Low- Income and Minority Populations? 3. How are the Benefits and Burdens Distributed Among Low-income and Minority Populations? 4. Are there Disproportionately High and Adverse Effects on Low-income and Minority Populations? The Analysis of the Constrained Long-Range Plan (CLRP)
3 Benefits and Burdens of the CLRP zMeasure Used: Changes in Accessibility to Jobs by Auto and Transit Within 45 Minutes Between 2000 and 2020 zBenefit: “Gains” in Accessibility to Jobs zBurden: “Losses” in Accessibility to Jobs
4 Understanding Accessibility Location of Employment Travel Time By Auto or Transit Number of Jobs Within 45 Minutes
5 Change in Accessibility to Jobs By Auto: 2000 to 2020 zAccessibility to Jobs by Auto Generally Decreases by 2020, Despite Significant Job Growth zHigh Levels of Congestion Contribute to the Loss
6 Change in Accessibility to Jobs by Transit: 2000 to 2020 zAccessibility to Jobs by Transit Generally Increases by 2020 zBoth Transit Improvements and Job Growth Contribute to the Gain zAuto Users Still Have the Highest Access to Jobs in 2020
7 Demographic Profile: 1999 Data from Claritas, Inc.
8 Demographic Profile : Hispanic Population and Low-Income Households
9 Demographic Profile: Black and Asian Population
10 The Distribution of Benefits and Burdens zThe Following Tables Display How the Changes in Accessibility to Jobs Are Distributed Among Low-Income and Minority Populations
11 Change in Accessibility by Auto: How Are the Benefits and Burdens Distributed?
12 Change in Accessibility to Jobs By Auto: An Example of the Distribution of Burdens
13 zThe Distribution of “Benefits and Burdens” of the CLRP is Generally Well Aligned With the 1999 Regional Demographic Profile The Changes in Regional Accessibility to Jobs Does Not Appear to Have a Disproportionately Adverse Effect on Low- income and Minority Populations Summary of Results
14 Caveats zMethodology Uses Tools and Data Available zScope is Broad-Brush, Regional Level zThe Location of Population Groups in 2020 is Unknown zIssues Not Addressed: yTypes of Jobs Available yCar Ownership yOff-Peak Transit Service ySpecific Transportation Needs of the Disabled and Elderly