Dispatcher and Fulfillment changes Phase 1 - Launching 3/13/2011
The Test P2S Schedules Dispatchers o Lots of stuff Fulfillment o Lots of stuff Questions
Testing the concept of adding a “sales layer” to the covert ops model. Phase 1 will consist of: o Two “workforces” - Approximately 32 dispatchers and 42 fulfillment agents o Dispatchers will take priority with upcoming algorithm change, fulfillment agents will still be visible on the site to handle overflow Phase 2 will consist of: o Hiding fulfillment agents from the site o Platform updates/changes to better accommodate the new model o Lots of other stuff that will be decided based on results of phase 1 Remember that this is a test – Nothing is permanent.
P2S continues to account for 60% of Covert’s revenue o 22% close rate o Average call length of 19 minutes Platform updates o Platform has had updates to make life a bit easier o Toggle switch to easily turn P2S on/off o Ability to go green while on a call We are working closely with ECC to double the close rate over the next 90 days.
Shiftplanning is being used for creation and management of all scheduling You must input all day off / vacation requests into shiftplanning – All requests must be approved by your DCO prior to entering it into Shiftplanning Please work to have your availability fit within at least one of our normal shifts - If you can’t work until 6pm, put your availability as 5pm so we can more easily get you scheduled o For the agents who need to do this, we will put notes into Shiftplanning to reflect this.
First line of defense Our goal is to have dispatchers handle 100% of incoming traffic Dispatchers will perform the following: o Qualify clients for online support o Check entitlement (AAA,HNMS, GSTS) via Breeze o Schedule clients for FMS work as needed o Assist clients with looking up basic information (STAR service orders, GSBTP information, software subscription information, etc)
LMI process (coming soon to an LMI console near you) o When creating a pin, or after you sell a service, you will want to include the service and any specific notes in the LMI fields Payment o Dispatchers are responsible for taking payment prior to dispatching to a fulfillment agent o You will need to perform a good analysis of the client’s computer after remotely logging in to ensure we sell the complete solution. o Subscriptions, subscriptions, subscriptions!!!
Once you have taken payment for a repair service: o You will want to utilize the Dispatch Tool to see which fulfillment agent is best suited to take on the job o You will utilize the consult tool within the platform to perform a warm transfer to the fulfillment agent If the platform crashes or locks up, you can utilize the collaboration function of LMI to handle the dispatch o You will also transfer the LMI session to the fulfillment agent Dispatch tool:
Site VS P2S o We need to ensure we keep coverage for both site and P2S o DCO on duty will monitor traffic levels and inform you if you need to have P2S off. This will vary every day depending on traffic levels for both site and P2S. No need to ask, we will keep you in the loop o We are working on getting a P2S-Only option developed Goals: o 10 site sessions per hour o 1.2 P2S calls per hour o 18% close rate o $35/hr
Dispatch tool will allow you to quickly see which fulfillment agents are ‘available’ and how many LMI jobs each agent has. As stated prior, you will want to dispatch jobs to those with the least amount of LMI jobs
What if I get bad feedback because of the fulfillment agent? o Once you dispatch the job, the session is “owned” by the fulfillment agent. Any feedback left will be for that agent. Do I have to leave notes? How will I know what happened? o Same as above, once you dispatch it, you will be prompted to enter the same type of notes you enter on a non-paid client, just note you “dispatched” it. The fulfillment agent will handle all other notes for the client What if I try to dispatch a job and the fulfillment agent says they can’t take it? o Fulfillment agents are expected to take any job you provide them if they are available. There will always be special circumstances due to complex jobs or training services, but these will be rare exceptions.
Client connects to dispatcher via site/p2s Dispatcher will qualify client for online support Dispatcher connects to the client’s computer via LMI Dispatcher offers the ‘complete solution’ to the client Dispatcher will take payment for the repair Dispatcher utilizes “Dispatcher Tool” to check availability of a fulfillment agent Dispatcher does a warm transfer via platform and LMI to a fulfillment agent Fulfillment agent takes lead and performs the repair
Fulfillment agents will need to remain available at all times on the platform o You should only go busy if you absolutely can not accept more jobs in LMI (Minimum should be 3 at all times) Long term we plan to “hide” fulfillment agents from the site. Until then, it is definitely possible that you will continue to receive some connects via both P2S + Site. We want you to focus on the repairs, but at the same time since this is a test and we are ‘testing’ how many dispatchers we truly need to handle traffic, we will rely on fulfillment agents to handle overflow for the first month Jobs will be dispatched evenly for phase 1 o Those with 0 jobs will get the next available job, then those with only 1, etc. o This is not a perfect solution and we will continue to evaluate different methods throughout phase 1.
Dispatchers are taking payment on all jobs – Fulfillment agents (under ideal circumstances) will never have to take payment. o As noted previously, if a fulfillment agents gets a connect from site/p2s, you may still have to perform normal duties to take payment Notes: o You will be required to ensure the job always has proper notes attached to it both within the platform and Breeze o If the initial dispatch from the platform failed (platform lockup, crash) – You will need to offer the client a “free” session via the platform which will give you the capability to still leave notes for the client. Goals: o 1 job per hour (JPH) o 4.95 feedback rating
Fulfillment agent takes a warm transfer from the dispatcher Fulfillment agent performs the repair Fulfillment agent informs client the repair is complete Ensure client is happy with the repair and answer any questions they have Provide leave behind and explain how to reach an agent in case of further questions Encourage client to leave feedback and disconnect
Contests… o To be determined closer to launch Remember – This is a test, it will be crazy, it will be fun. A wise DCO once said “ it is kinda like the wild west since we are blazing a trail into the unknown ”
The answer is 42