Distance Formula d = r ∙ t distance = rate ∙ time.


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Presentation transcript:

Distance Formula d = r ∙ t distance = rate ∙ time

Distance Formula d Magic Triangle rt

Units of Measure DistanceRateTime

Given: r = 12 meters / second t = 100 seconds What is the distance? d = r ∙ t d = 12 meters ∙ 100 sec sec sec d = 1200 meters

Given: d = 156 miles t = 3 minutes What is the rate? d = r ∙ t 156 miles = r ∙ 3 minutes 52 miles = r minute minute 3 minutes 3 minutes

Given: d = 896 km r = 64 km / hour What is the time? d = r ∙ t 896 km = 64 km / hour ∙ t 14 hours = t 64 km / hour 64 km / hour

A plane flew from Seattle to Toronto in 4 hours, maintaining a speed of 50 miles per hour. What is the air distance between Seattle and Toronto? What do we know? What do we know? t = 4 hours r = 50 mph t = 4 hours r = 50 mph Plug it into the distance formula: Plug it into the distance formula: d = r ∙ t d = r ∙ t d = 50 miles ∙ 4 hours d = 50 miles ∙ 4 hours hour hour d = 200 miles d = 200 miles

A certain plane flies 1500 miles in 3 hours. What is the rate that the plane can fly? What do we know? What do we know? d = 1500 miles d = 1500 miles t = 3 hours t = 3 hours Plug it into the distance formula: Plug it into the distance formula: d = r ∙ t d = r ∙ t 1500 miles = r ∙ 3 hours 1500 miles = r ∙ 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 500 miles = r 500 miles = r hour hour

A certain plane needs to fly 180 km to it’s next city. It averages 45 km / hour when it flies. How long does it take the plane to get to it’s destination? What do we know? What do we know? d = 180 km d = 180 km r = 45 km / hour r = 45 km / hour Plug it into the distance formula: Plug it into the distance formula: d = r ∙ t d = r ∙ t 180 km = 45 km / hour ∙ t 180 km = 45 km / hour ∙ t 4 hours = t 4 hours = t