Speaking in Public Agricultural Communication and Leadership
America’s Top 10 Fears © Copyright 2009 Globe Newspaper Company. 10. Water (swimming/Drowning) 9. Storms 8. Public transportation (airplane/train/bus crashes) 7. Crowds 6. Tunnels and bridges 5. Spiders 4. Heights 3. Confined spaces 2. Snakes 1. Public speaking
Types of Speeches Demonstrative Demonstrative –a demonstration of how to do something Narrative Narrative –read a story Persuasive/Inspirational Persuasive/Inspirational –Persuade the listener to do something
Types of Speeches Informative/Instructional Informative/Instructional –Information to the listener Entertain/Impress Entertain/Impress –Guest speech at a banquet/convention/event
Formats of Speeches Prepared Prepared –plenty of time to write and practice the speech Extemporaneous Extemporaneous –Speeches prepared in a short time with little/no time for practice Impromptu Impromptu –No time to prepare or practice
Parts of the Speech Introduction Introduction –Develop an interest –Gain attention –Personal story –Statistic, joke, quote, incident, etc. –Make your thesis statement
Part of the Speech Body Body –Make your case –Past-present-future Conclusion Conclusion –Tie it all together –Refer to something in the introduction –Close by repeating the thesis statement
Parts of the Speech Process Process –Tell them what you’re going to tell them –Tell them –Tell them what you’ve told them
An Effective Presentation Don’t read the speech Don’t read the speech –Teleprompter? –Practice _____ times Know your room Know your room –Where’s the podium? –Microphone, crowd, indoor/outdoor When in doubt, use a personal story When in doubt, use a personal story
An Effective Presentation Don’t apologize Don’t apologize –DON’T … “I’m not really very good at this …” Take every opportunity to speak Take every opportunity to speak –Nerves are always there…experience helps control them
An Effective Presentation Rehearsing Rehearsing –Read the speech to yourself as you learn it –Memorize –Practice by yourself –Practice in front of a friend –Visualize –Final Delivery
Rules of Thumb Eye Contact Great speeches address wants and needs Great speeches address wants and needs Great speakers address the audience Great speakers address the audience –DO NOT read your speech Look em’ in the eyes Look em’ in the eyes –Or … on the forehead
Rules of Thumb Hand & Body Movements Effective hand & arm movements! Effective hand & arm movements! Avoid: Avoid: –Dancing, –Wobbling, –Aimless walking Use your feet to your advantage Lean into the audience for effect Lean into the audience for effect
Rules of Thumb Voice Sometimes a whisper is louder than a holler Sometimes a whisper is louder than a holler Be careful … volume makes us screech Be careful … volume makes us screech Who loves a monotone? Who loves a monotone? News Casters & Mutterers News Casters & Mutterers
Rules of Thumb Pace We ALL speak too fast in public We ALL speak too fast in public Force yourself to slow down Force yourself to slow down –Try singing the words –Try enunciating the last consonant in each word
FFA Public Speaking FFA Creed Speaking –Speaking for Greenhand FFA members –The speech is already written –Speakers are judged on presentation and questions FFA Prepared Public Speaking –6-8 minute speech on an agricultural subject
FFA Public Speaking FFA Extemporaneous Public Speaking –Speakers draw a topic Agriscience & Technology Agrimarketing & International Agricultural Relations Food & Fiber Systems Urban Agriculture –30 minutes to prepare a 4-6 minute speech 5 minutes of questions –Speakers may use a watch –Reference materials: 5 items of printed material Notebooks/folders may contain no more than 100 pages
Preparing APA Manuscripts for FFA Events The FFA Prepared Public Speaking CDE Manuscript Double-spaced typewritten copies on 8½” x 11” white paper Double-spaced typewritten copies on 8½” x 11” white paper The manuscript must contain 1” margins with a staple in the upper left corner The manuscript must contain 1” margins with a staple in the upper left corner A cover page that gives … Speech Title Participant’s Name State Date A cover page that gives … Speech Title Participant’s Name State Date (Note the Running head) (Note the Running head)
Preparing APA Manuscripts for FFA Events The FFA Prepared Public Speaking CDE Manuscript A bibliography MUST be included as part of the public speaker’s manuscript and direct quotes from any source of information must be marked in “quotes” on the manuscript and be identified in the bibliography. Failure to do so will automatically disqualify a participant.
Preparing APA Manuscripts for FFA Events The Bibliography Not a Reference or Works Cited Page Not a Reference or Works Cited Page Follow APA Style Follow APA Style