SEN and Disability Reform: Leicestershire County Council Local Offer
Local Offer Each council must develop a ‘local offer’ – in Leicestershire, this is a new website containing information about all the care and support services available across Education Health Social Care It also includes national and regional services and support
Option of a Personal Budget Integrated assessment and planning Joint commissioning Better disagreement resolution processes How does the Local Offer fit with SEND reform 0-25 Children and young people with SEND and families Where disagreements happen, they can be resolved early and amicably, with the option of mediation for those that need it Children, young people and parents understand a joined up system, designed around their needs Having friends Outcomes Employment prospects Positive Wellbeing Good qualifications Making their views heard Local offer Enablers Education Health and Care Plan is holistic, co- produced, focused on outcomes, and is delivered for young people in full time education with severe and complex special education needs. Extending choice and control over their support. Information, advice and support EHC plan SEND Support Plan
How was Local Offer designed 1.Local offer working group 2.Leicestershire voice testing versions of Local Offer 3.Amalgamation of existing SEND service information across Education, Health and Care and Family Information Service What Next 1.Redesign to fulfil parent/carers aspirations 2.Part of Council’s redevelopment of Advice and Information 3.SENDirect Pilot How was Local Offer designed 1.Local offer working group 2.Leicestershire voice testing versions of Local Offer 3.Amalgamation of existing SEND service information across Education, Health and Care and Family Information Service What Next 1.Redesign to fulfil parent/carers aspirations 2.Part of Council’s redevelopment of Advice and Information 3.SENDirect Pilot 4 What we want to achieve
5 This is a resource to help settings support parents, carers and young people We would encourage settings to have internet enabled PC or tablet accessible for parents and young people Co-operate with the local authority in developing the local offer Complete template for October half term at link to your school’s Template fulfils Regulation 3 SEND (Information) Regulation For Early Years’ settings, schools & FE Colleges:
Next Steps for Early Years settings, Schools and FE Colleges 1.Should be reviewed annually 2.Review should involve parents/carers and young people 3.Content should reflect guidance set out in Appendix A.