1 Stock Valuation Topic #3
2 Context Financial Decision Making Debt Valuation Equity Valuation Derivatives Real Estate
3 Return and Volatility Measures Total return Average return Standard deviation of returns
4 Expected Future Risk and Return What is the expected future return on a stock? Use historical expected returns Expected returns likely change We don’t really know even the historical expected returns Need a better way to estimate expected returns…
5 Returns of Large Portfolios
6 How about individual stocks?
7 Common Vs. Independent Risks Diversification remedies independent risks Firm-specific risk Idiosyncratic, unique, diversifiable risk Systematic risk Undiversifiable, market risk
8 What is the expected return for each type?
9 Risk premium and diversification The risk premium for diversifiable risk is zero The risk premium depends only on the systematic risk Thus, volatility is not a good measure of risk
10 Estimating Expected Return Expected return is driven only by systematic risk Algorithm: Measure systematic risk Determine the risk premium for that systematic risk
11 Measure systematic risk Measure the average change in the return for each 1% change in the return of a portfolio that fluctuates solely due to systematic risk Efficient portfolio Cannot be diversified further, it only changes with the economy Perhaps the market portfolio Or a major index (SP500) Beta measures the sensitivity to the market portfolio Beta measures the amplification of risk
12 Estimate the Risk Premium Market risk premium = E(R market ) – r f. Risk premium is proportional to Beta
13 Cost of Capital The cost of capital for a project is the same as the return on a stock with the same risk: Is the market portfolio efficient?
14 Portfolio Expected Return Weighted average of individual returns: Weight of each stock in the portfolio
15 Covariance and Correlation Covariance: Correlation:
16 Variance of a Portfolio Variance of a 2-stock portfolio: Variance of a large portfolio:
17 Variance of a portfolio
18 Risk and Return
19 Correlation and Diversification
20 Short-selling
21 Three stocks
22 Many stocks
23 Risk-free borrowing and lending
24 Tangent Portfolio
25 Cost of Capital Tangent portfolio is efficient Therefore,