CEDA -- What is it?
*In 1998 the Ohio General Assembly enacted ORC § enabling townships, cities and counties to enter into Cooperative Economic Development Agreements commencing March 22, 1999
CEDA -- What is it? *In 1998 the Ohio General Assembly enacted ORC § enabling townships, cities and counties to enter into Cooperative Economic Development Agreements commencing March 22, 1999 *A relationship of contract designed to promote economic development and job creation through intergovernmental cooperation
Springfield Township CEDA Contracts *Phase I CEDA contract entered into December 8, focused on Southern Interceptor Sewer service area
Springfield Township CEDA Contracts *Phase I CEDA contract entered into December 8, focused on Southern Interceptor Sewer service area *Phase II CEDA contract entered into December 1, to extend CEDA benefits to more of Springfield Township
CEDA -- What does it do?
1. Stops the township from shrinking
CEDA -- What does it do? 1. Stops the township from shrinking ä Territory preserved
CEDA -- What does it do? 1. Stops the township from shrinking ä Territory preserved ä Tax Base preserved
CEDA -- What does it do? 1. Stops the township from shrinking ä Territory preserved ä Tax Base preserved 2. Revenue sharing
CEDA -- What does it do? 1. Stops the township from shrinking ä Territory preserved ä Tax Base preserved 2. Revenue sharing ä 12.5% of City’s net income tax revenue earned in incorporated part of CEDA
CEDA -- What does it do? 1. Stops the township from shrinking ä Territory preserved ä Tax Base preserved 2. Revenue sharing ä 12.5% of City’s net income tax revenue earned in incorporated part of CEDA ä Hotel/Motel tax 50/50 split (Areas 1, 3 & 4)
CEDA -- What does it do? 1. Stops the township from shrinking ä Territory preserved ä Tax Base preserved 2. Revenue sharing ä 12.5% of City’s net income tax revenue earned in incorporated part of CEDA ä Hotel/Motel tax 50/50 split (Areas 1, 3 & 4) ä Township and City each retain their own applicable millages
CEDA -- What does it do? 3. Expanded opportunity for water and sewer availability in Springfield Township
CEDA -- What does it do? 3. Expanded opportunity for water and sewer availability in Springfield Township ä Pre June 8, 1999 residences are grandfathered (to be served by county utility districts)
CEDA -- What does it do? 3. Expanded opportunity for water and sewer availability in Springfield Township ä Pre June 8, 1999 residences are grandfathered (to be served by county utility districts) ä In Transitional Service Areas (Area 3, along Leffel Lane) residential owners on December 8, 1999 only are grandfathered
CEDA -- What does it do? 3. Expanded opportunity for water and sewer availability in Springfield Township ä Pre June 8, 1999 residences are grandfathered (to be served by county utility districts) ä In Transitional Service Areas (Area 3, along Leffel Lane) residential owners on December 8, 1999 only are grandfathered ä Industrial & commercial, non-grandfathered residential and excepted areas -- status quo
CEDA -- What does it do? 4. Initiated uniform utility rate negotiations
CEDA -- What does it do? 4. Initiated uniform utility rate negotiations ä 1.5 times City rate for residential customers
CEDA -- What does it do? 4. Initiated uniform utility rate negotiations ä 1.5 times City rate for residential customers ä Allocate responsibility for City’s revenue loss
CEDA -- What does it do? 4. Initiated uniform utility rate negotiations ä 1.5 times City rate for residential customers ä Allocate responsibility for City’s revenue loss 5. Provide Southern Interceptor Sewer
CEDA -- What does it do? 4. Initiated uniform utility rate negotiations ä 1.5 times City rate for residential customers ä Allocate responsibility for City’s revenue loss 5. Provide Southern Interceptor Sewer ä Federal dollars $3,250,000
CEDA -- What does it do? 4. Initiated uniform utility rate negotiations ä 1.5 times City rate for residential customers ä Allocate responsibility for City’s revenue loss 5. Provide Southern Interceptor Sewer ä Federal dollars $3,250,000 ä City investment $7,875,000
CEDA -- What does it do? 4. Initiated uniform utility rate negotiations ä 1.5 times City rate for residential customers ä Allocate responsibility for City’s revenue loss 5. Provide Southern Interceptor Sewer ä Federal dollars $3,250,000 ä City investment $7,875,000 ä County investment $500,000
CEDA -- What does it do? 4. Initiated uniform utility rate negotiations ä 1.5 times City rate for residential customers ä Allocate responsibility for City’s revenue loss 5. Provide Southern Interceptor Sewer ä Federal dollars $3,250,000 ä City investment $7,875,000 ä County investment $500,000 ä Township investment $500,000
CEDA -- What does it do? 6.Annexation policy and obligations
CEDA -- What does it do? 6.Annexation policy and obligations ä Pledged cooperation on all industrial, all commercial and 100% supported residential
CEDA -- What does it do? 6.Annexation policy and obligations ä Pledged cooperation on all industrial, all commercial and 100% supported residential ä Islands are OK
CEDA -- What does it do? 6.Annexation policy and obligations ä Pledged cooperation on all industrial, all commercial and 100% supported residential ä Islands are OK ä Balloons are OK
CEDA -- What does it do? 6.Annexation policy and obligations ä Pledged cooperation on all industrial, all commercial and 100% supported residential ä Islands are OK ä Balloons are OK ä No detachment of territory (Township’s boundary preserved)
CEDA -- What does it do? 6.Annexation policy and obligations ä Pledged cooperation on all industrial, all commercial and 100% supported residential ä Islands are OK ä Balloons are OK ä No detachment of territory (Township’s boundary preserved) ä Combined resistance to annexation by outsiders
CEDA -- What does it do? 7. Governmental services allocated
CEDA -- What does it do? 7. Governmental services allocated ä Unincorporated territory -- no effect
CEDA -- What does it do? 7. Governmental services allocated ä Unincorporated territory -- no effect ä Incorporated territory ä City provides: Fire,EMS, rescue, police, traffic control device maintenance, energy for street lights, City Code enforcement, City utility maintenance
CEDA -- What does it do? 7. Governmental services allocated ä Unincorporated territory -- no effect ä Incorporated territory ä City provides: Fire,EMS, rescue, police, traffic control device maintenance, energy for street lights, City Code enforcement, City utility maintenance ä Township provides: Snow and ice removal, salting and deicing, road pavement maintenance, road right- of-way and drainage maintenance
CEDA -- What does it do? 8. Road reconstruction cooperation
CEDA -- What does it do? 8. Road reconstruction cooperation ä Unincorporated territory -- no effect
CEDA -- What does it do? 8. Road reconstruction cooperation ä Unincorporated territory -- no effect ä Incorporated territory -- for “reconstruction” (asphalt overlay > 2 inches or reconstruction of road base or drainage facilities) Township performs the work and costs are shared 50/50 between Township and City
CEDA -- What does it do? 8. Road reconstruction cooperation ä Unincorporated territory -- no effect ä Incorporated territory -- for “reconstruction” (asphalt overlay > 2 inches or reconstruction of road base or drainage facilities) Township performs the work and costs are shared 50/50 between Township and City 9. Division of County and City road work responsibilities -- allocated by contract
Long Term Arrangement *Term of CEDA contracts is 50 years (through 2050), with automatic 50 year extensions
Long Term Arrangement *Term of CEDA contracts is 50 years (through 2050), with automatic 50 year extensions *Pledge of mutual efforts to support and defend the CEDA contracts
Long Term Arrangement *Term of CEDA contracts is 50 years (through 2050), with automatic 50 year extensions *Pledge of mutual efforts to support and defend the CEDA contracts *Contract amendments -- all three parties may agree to amendment (90 day window)
Long Term Arrangement *Term of CEDA contracts is 50 years (through 2050), with automatic 50 year extensions *Pledge of mutual efforts to support and defend the CEDA contracts *Contract amendments -- all three parties may agree to amendment (90 day window) *Dispute resolution through mediation
Planning, zoning and plating *CEDA Regional Planning Commission has been established [ORC § et seq.]
Planning, zoning and plating *CEDA Regional Planning Commission has been established [ORC § et seq.] *Covers entire CEDA territory
Planning, zoning and plating *CEDA Regional Planning Commission has been established [ORC § et seq.] *Covers entire CEDA territory *Commission composition:
Planning, zoning and plating *CEDA Regional Planning Commission has been established [ORC § et seq.] *Covers entire CEDA territory *Commission composition: ä 2 Township appointees
Planning, zoning and plating *CEDA Regional Planning Commission has been established [ORC § et seq.] *Covers entire CEDA territory *Commission composition: ä 2 Township appointees ä 2 City Planning Board appointees
Planning, zoning and plating *CEDA Regional Planning Commission has been established [ORC § et seq.] *Covers entire CEDA territory *Commission composition: ä 2 Township appointees ä 2 City Planning Board appointees ä 2 County appointees (1 Township & 1 City)
Planning, zoning and plating *CEDA Regional Planning Commission has been established [ORC § et seq.] *Covers entire CEDA territory *Commission composition: ä 2 Township appointees ä 2 City Planning Board appointees ä 2 County appointees (1 Township & 1 City) ä 7th member appointed by the above 6
Planning, zoning and plating *Notice and opportunity for input
Planning, zoning and plating *Notice and opportunity for input ä Minutes, resolutions and recommendations served on Township and City clerks
Planning, zoning and plating *Notice and opportunity for input ä Minutes, resolutions and recommendations served on Township and City clerks ä Joint meeting of affected planning boards if a new plan at variance with existing plans is being considered for adoption
Planning, zoning and plating *Notice and opportunity for input ä Minutes, resolutions and recommendations served on Township and City clerks ä Joint meeting of affected planning boards if a new plan at variance with existing plans is being considered for adoption ä Immediate notice to Township Trustees of application for subdivision approval in unincorporated territory
Planning, zoning and plating *Notice and opportunity for input ä Minutes, resolutions and recommendations served on Township and City clerks ä Joint meeting of affected planning boards if a new plan at variance with existing plans is being considered for adoption ä Immediate notice to Township Trustees of application for subdivision approval in unincorporated territory ä 20 days advanced notice to Township Trustees/City Commission of rezoning considered for adoption -- opportunity to comment on rezoning
Long Term Arrangement *Term of CEDA Planning Commission Establishment Agreement is 50 years (through 2050), with automatic 50 year extensions
Long Term Arrangement *Term of CEDA Planning Commission Establishment Agreement is 50 years (through 2050), with automatic 50 year extensions *Pledge of mutual efforts to support and defend the CEDA Planning Commission Establishment Agreement
Long Term Arrangement *Term of CEDA Planning Commission Establishment Agreement is 50 years (through 2050), with automatic 50 year extensions *Pledge of mutual efforts to support and defend the CEDA Planning Commission Establishment Agreement *Agreement amendments -- all four parties may agree to amendment (90 day window)
Long Term Arrangement *Term of CEDA Planning Commission Establishment Agreement is 50 years (through 2050), with automatic 50 year extensions *Pledge of mutual efforts to support and defend the CEDA Planning Commission Establishment Agreement *Agreement amendments -- all four parties may agree to amendment (90 day window) *Dispute resolution through mediation