Youth Advisory Council (YAC) Binjal Chadhari (HEHS Senior) Aishwarya Ganesh (HEHS Senior)
Positive Youth Development Good youth development tends to be steered not by the work of a single organization, but by community coalitions that involve youth participation.
Traditional Approach to Programs for Youth Youth are seen as problems Youth are not invited to be involved in addressing societal issues
Adultism & Adultcentrism Adultism: Bias for adults Adultcentrism: deciding for and taking control of young people without their involvement.
Adults’ Perception of Youth (Farkas, 1997) Adolescence is viewed as a time of storm and stress: Risky behavior Peer conformity Rude, irresponsible and wild
As a result… Isolation of young people from other adults Decreased likelihood of engagement
Guide for Engaging Youth 1. Youth as partners 2. Youth as decision makers 3. Youth as a key resource 4. Build a culture where youth involvement is pivotal
Youth-Adult Partnerships: Adult Role Being open to the energy and insights of young people. Learning to work with youth, not for them. Listening to youth rather than telling them. Letting go of your role as a parent or teacher to share power and responsibilities.
Youth-Adult Partnerships: Youths Role Share our ideas and point of view Take the lead rather than waiting for instructions / guidance Be responsible, trustworthy and age appropriate Not take the role of “the other” Making our voice be heard and not allow adultism / adultcentrism silence us
Youth Involved Organizations More successful in outreach efforts More successful in outcomes Increased sense of community by both youth and adults Zeldin & Topitzes, 2002
Questions / Comments
Works Consulted Youth-Adult Partnership and Positive Youth development. Retrieved on line August 5, Zeldin, Shepherd, Camino, Linda, & Calvert, Matthew (2002). Youth participation in community decision- making: Implications for policy and practice. Social Policy Report. Anne Arbor: Society for Research on Child Development. Excerpted from Younger Voices, Stronger Choices: Promise Project's Guide to Forming Youth/Adult Partnerships, by Michael McLarney and Loring Leiger, 1997, YMCA of Greater Kansas City.