Range of Food Sizes for Flagellates
Seasonal and Vertical Changes in Grazing
Rotifer Population Dynamics Comparison between simulated and observed population and clonal dynamics. Simulated (A and B) and observed (C–F) population dynamics of total algal cells (open circles, 2 × 106 cells per liter) and rotifers (open diamonds, females per liter) and clonal frequency dynamics of defended clone (UTEX 265, solid squares) and competitive clone (UTEX 396, solid triangles). (C and D) Chemostat results using 80 μM nitrogen medium. (E and F) Chemostat results using 160 μM nitrogen medium. Both chemostats run at a dilution rate, δ, of 0.85. Justin R. Meyer*, Stephen P. Ellner, Nelson G. Hairston, Jr., Laura E. Jones, and Takehito Yoshida. 2006. PNAS. 103(28): 10690-10695.
Fig. 3. – Abundance of L. decipiens, B. variabilis and K Fig. 3. – Abundance of L. decipiens, B. variabilis and K. tropica in the Schelde estuary in 2002. Stations in the Schelde are denoted according to their distance (in km) to the mouth, at Vlissingen. Stations in the tributaries were called “Ru” for Rupel, “Du” for Durme, “De” for Dender and “Bo” for Boven Schelde. The black line indicates the brackish area of the estuary. Frédéric Azémar, Stefan Van Damme, Patrick Meire & Micky Tackx. 2007. Brit. J. Zool. 2013: 75-83.
Keratella tropica Fig. 7. – Diversity of patterns in posterior spines of Keratella tropica in the Schelde estuary. Frédéric Azémar, Stefan Van Damme, Patrick Meire & Micky Tackx. 2007. Brit. J. Zool. 2013: 75-83.
How do the three taxa of zooplankton occupy the same lake?
Polymorphism of Brachionus in response to Asplanchna
Figures 16-24 to 16-26 Daphnia galeata and Leptodora kintdii
Population density of Daphnia galeata mendotae in Base Line Lake
Base Line Lake, MI
General Model of Seasonal Succession
Simona, M. , A. Barbieri, M. Veronesi, S. Malusardi, and V Simona, M., A. Barbieri, M. Veronesi, S. Malusardi, and V. Straskrabova. 1999. Seasonal dynamics of plankton in a mountain lake in the southern Alps. J. Limnol. 58(2): 169-178. Fig. 7. Seasonal changes of zooplankton abundance [animals m-2]. Fig. 8. Seasonal changes of zooplankton biomass [mg fresh weight m-2].
Hairston, N. G. , Jr. , and E. J. Olds. 1986 Hairston, N. G., Jr., and E. J. Olds. 1986. Partial photoperiodic control of diapause in three populations of the freshwater copepod Diaptomus sanguineus. Biological Bulletin 171:135-142.
Life Cycle of Cyclops scutifer
Life Cycle of Diaptomus reighardi
…to be completed on Tuesday.