Blaine Morrow ADEC/CUE Summit Palm Springs, March 2010
New Media CAHSEE Online Courses Careers/STEM Communities of Interest Telemedicine Advocacy Functionality
Increased participation at the centers Students passed the CAHSEE Centers all said that the sessions were successful No electricity, no CCC Confer: Lightning The Governator took away all funding for CCC CAHSEE projects
MPICT Distributed ICT Learning “hybrid course delivery model allows students to participate in the class "live," either by being physically present in class, or by joining the live, interactive Internet delivery of the class through the CCC Confer”
Desktop Seminars Grant writing Captioning Conference Support Media Festivals Lecture Capture Metadata Advisory Committees Communities of Interest Media Repositories Web Services CMS Support MEET Presentations Product Evaluations Advocacy Web 2.0 Retreats Clickers