Libraries Australia and Online Resources Rob Walls Director Database Services Branch
Electronic Resources Australia National consortium to purchase online resources 9 products –General Reference –News and Business –Health Over 370 libraries or consortia responded to the product poll Over 2,200 product expressions of interest
Discovery and Access CEO response to Customer Satisfaction Survey Libraries Australia to support discovery and access Improving access: free and commercial resources
Why contribute e-resources End users may have access to the material Onsite access may still be available Supports the sharing of metadata for electronic materials between libraries Contributed records support re-use in other services Provides library managers and planners with a better picture of trends in the library sector
NBD Coverage 746,964 records flagged as e-resources Growing at 50,000 records per year 150,073 of these represent Australian resources
Expand coverage Revised guidelines for cataloguing electronic resources Australian e-collections Serials Solutions agreement Other sources of e-resource data Contracts with ERA vendors include supply of MARC records to the NBD
Expand links to full-text Embed URLs for full-text resources in major digitisation projects (e.g. Google book search) Improve support for institution specific URLs Inclusion of article/track level data Inclusion of Destra data