Sales Turnover Project: Sharon Smith Black Belt Salt Lake City, UT
2 Quick Background Recap – Current Process Turnover 38.5% in North America. Hiring Process Current tools to assist sales managers in selecting the most qualified candidates are not used consistently. Goal Reduce IBS sales rep turnover by developing and implementing a Sales Rep Profile to be used in the hiring process.
3 Operational Definition Drop 12 month rolling turnover by 3% from a current rate of 38.5% Nationwide. Number of territories in North America is 3,375. Hire 118 fewer reps in North America in a year.
4 Project Focus Northeast Region Current turnover 38.6%. There are 672 territories in the Northeast. Hire 20 reps fewer in a year. Number of Terms since January 1, 2003 – 249 Number of Hires since January 1,
5 Process Discovery n Current turnover data indicates 66% of terms and 71% of hires are in entry level positions (ASR, AE1, AE2) is n Sales manager time and experience is where the hiring process breaks down.
6 Initial Data - Northeast Step One: Create an Entry Level Sales Rep Hiring Profile
7 Process Map – Hiring Process
8 In each case, there is no consistent process followed and little documented evidence to support a hiring manager’s final decision. How do we know we’re hiring the right people?
9 Key Influences Why a profile?
10 The Profile A profile designed for each position will be an initial filter for all applicants and provide sales managers with candidates that meet the qualifications of the position.
11 Measurement System Determining “What We Think We Need” Completed Interviews: Regional VP/GMs Regional Sales Ops Marketplace Sales Managers Sales Representatives
12 Data Collection Interviews – Skills Commonly Identified as Key to Success: This is what select NE sales professionals think we need. Staying current with changing technology Practical understanding of how business works Capable of learning and applying new concepts Ability to present information with confidence Able to find alternate solutions Using internal resources to work through process Remain focused in a changing environment Setting expectations for success Time management Seeking expertise of others
13 Surveys Does everyone agree this is what we need? Survey to Sales Managers Survey to rank 10 skills identified as key to success to sales managers supervising entry level sales reps (ASR, AE1, and AE2) Survey to Sales Reps ASR, AE1, and AE2 to rank 10 skills commonly identified as key to success. Results may be used to determine the key variables of which qualifications make a good sales rep.
14 Next Steps Gather results of survey and analyze the variables. Verify the competencies identified in the Job Descriptions and Behavioral Interviewing Guides accurately reflect the skills needed for success today at IKON. Determine “What good looks like.” This is where the rubber hits the road.
15 Questions?