PROBLEM & GENERAL GOAL Achieve collaboration between the following persons: Research-analyst/computer-tech Dr. Spoone (Ellen) High-school biology teacher Mr. Anderson (Daniel) Parent Mr. Reeves (Danda) Mr. Reeves’ adoptive son, Zack Kelso (Elliot) COMM , DR. N. SMITH
GENERAL GOAL, CONTINUED Educate and inform the middle- and high-school students within Trinity County, Utah, school district Appease parents, students, AND teachers Introduce new, technological approaches Use of Weebly.com as an interactive assignment platform: COMM , DR. N. SMITH
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Sex education is important in preteen and teen development Let’s use Biology class to teach it! Mr. Anderson (Daniel) Has agreed to educate these students COMM , DR. N. SMITH
BACKGROUND INFORMATION, CONTINUED Mr. Anderson will use some of the following resources: Male and female puberty: man-biology/male-puberty.htm man-biology/male-puberty.htm man-biology/female-puberty.htm man-biology/female-puberty.htm BBC has a website that is very interactive for students wanting to learn: ives/lifecycle/teenagers/ ives/lifecycle/teenagers/ Other: online.org/7/5_growth_development.htm online.org/7/5_growth_development.htm COMM , DR. N. SMITH
METHODS OF TEACHING Textbook Media Visual aids Library Database Interactive Web site (Weebly.com) Speaking/lectures COMM , DR. N. SMITH
SAFE SEX Reduces our risk of contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD) Using condoms decreases the chance of the onset of STDs (and decreases likelihood of pregnancy) Contraceptives can help to prevent pregnancy Being intimate with the one you care for does not mean you have to have sex! (i.e. foreplay, spooning, cuddling, etc.) COMM , DR. N. SMITH
Abusive Relationships Sexual Harassment “Know Your Rights: Sexual Harassment At Work” (from SLCC MyPage) Sexual Relationships Value your own body Avoid seeking out sex simply for a self- esteem boost or other selfish reasons Having a “sex life” comes at a price Tremendous responsibility COUNSELING COMM , DR. N. SMITH What is sexual harassment? A form of sex discrimination. The legal definition of sexual harassment Legal definition: “unwelcome verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature that is severe or pervasive and affects working conditions or creates a hostile work environment.”
COMMUNICATION Keeping in-touch with your parents/guardians (and sometimes even teachers) can help you in your relationships Your parents (and even close, trusted friends) can inform you of resources and avenues available Pertaining to sex education, such as hotlines, books, and organizations COMM , DR. N. SMITH
SOME EUPHEMISMS USED TO DESCRIBE SEX (USED BY THE YOUNG AND OLD) “Makin’ whoopee” “Knocking boots” “The horizontal mambo” “The matrimonial polka” “Slay” “Roll in the hay” COMM , DR. N. SMITH
BEST INTEREST Common viewpoint of parents (especially Mr. Reeves—Danda) Abstinence until marriage! (Zack Cypher—Elliot—chuckles) Wait until one is a legal adult before having sex COMM , DR. N. SMITH
Students/Students More beneficial Students open up more Students/Parents Tense Tend to be more at a defensive stand ONE STUDENT’S VIEW (ZACK CYPHER—ELLIOT) COMM , DR. N. SMITH
ONE PARENT’S STAND Parents felt strongly that sex education should begin as early as elementary school in order to promote healthy sexual decision-making skills. COMM , DR. N. SMITH
PARENTS PERMISSION Permission slips We feel as if the school provided permission slips for parents of the students that allowed their children to participate in activities and the study of Sexual Ed. If they choose not to have their children do so then simply do not sign and then the teachers will not be exposed COMM , DR. N. SMITH
OVERVIEW/SOLUTION We feel that sexual education SHOULD be taught in schools, just not the way that it is today. Correlate it in biology and health class instead. Have open communication with parents, other students, and teachers. Counseling Centers where students get to vent & don’t get feeling of being judged. COMM , DR. N. SMITH