Adoption 1
Table of Contents Definition of Adoption – Slide 3 Main Kinds of Adoption – Slide 4 Open Adoption and its pros and cons – Slide 5 Closed Adoption and the reason behind it- Slide 6 The Effects of Adoption – Slide 7 Effects of the Child – Slide 8 Effects on the Birth Parent – Slide 8 Effects on the Adoptive Parent – Slide 9 My Open Adoption – Slide 10 Definition of Adoption – Slide 3 Main Kinds of Adoption – Slide 4 Open Adoption and its pros and cons – Slide 5 Closed Adoption and the reason behind it- Slide 6 The Effects of Adoption – Slide 7 Effects of the Child – Slide 8 Effects on the Birth Parent – Slide 8 Effects on the Adoptive Parent – Slide 9 My Open Adoption – Slide 10 2
Definition of Adoption To take into one’s family through legal means and raise as one’s own child ( A legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood; the adopted child is entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child of the adoptive parents ( To take into one’s family through legal means and raise as one’s own child ( A legal proceeding that creates a parent-child relation between persons not related by blood; the adopted child is entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child of the adoptive parents ( 3
There are 2 main kinds of Adoptions Open Adoption Closed Adoption 4
Open Adoption Pros Of an Open Adoption Cons of an Open Adoption *Answers to the big questions *Possible boundary issues *Link to Heritage and Ancestry. *Possible unrealistic Expectations *Wider circle of family and support *Association with Those One Would Normally Not Associate *Medical Information readily available *No need to search for birth parents. The birth mother, birth father and adoptive parents exchange identifying information and after placement you may or may not have ongoing contact with each other. The key factor is that identifying information is shared ( ( d/adopting/a/whyopenadopti on.htm)> d/adopting/a/whyopenadopti on.htm The birth mother, birth father and adoptive parents exchange identifying information and after placement you may or may not have ongoing contact with each other. The key factor is that identifying information is shared ( ( d/adopting/a/whyopenadopti on.htm)> d/adopting/a/whyopenadopti on.htm 5
Closed Adoption Reasons Why A Closed Adoption is Necessary *Birth Parents are incarcerated *Birth parents are physically or emotionally abusive *Birth parents are addicted to drugs or alcohol *It is an international adoption The birth mother, birth father and adopting family are anonymous. While you may or may not meet and may share first names at the hospital or at placement, no identifying information such as last names, addresses, social security numbers, is exchanged ( ( html) > 6
The Effects of Adoption The Child The Birth Parent The Adoptive Parent The Child The Birth Parent The Adoptive Parent 7
The Child *Attention deficit disorder *Eating disorder *Alcohol Abuse *Venerable *Question their identity *Long for their birth mother 8
The Birth Parents *Suffer from loss of their role as a parent *Hating themselves *Felling abandoned *Fear of being judged by others 9
The Adoptive Parent *Fear of not experiencing an intimacy with their adoptive child *Fell that they were not meant to be parents to adopted child *If closed adoption fear of child finding out and resenting them for keeping it a secret *Become overprotective of the adopted child *If adopted child keeps asking question about adoption the adopted parents begin to feel rejected by their adoptive child 10
My Open Adoption This is the family my kids were adopted into since they have adopted their first and then my two they have bee blessed with one more and another on the way! 11