The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
Background on The Prince ► The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli ► Written 1513 and Published 1532 ► Considered first works of modern philosophy by some ► The final sections of The Prince link the book to a specific historical context: Italy’s disunity. Machiavelli sets down his account and explanation of the failure of past Italian rulers and concludes with an impassioned plea to the future rulers of the nation. Machiavelli asserts the belief that only Lorenzo de’ Medici, to whom the book is dedicated, can restore Italy’s honor and pride.
Assignment: Analyzing Quotations ► What does it mean to analyze? Excerpt: interpret/explain the meaning Essay: showing reader a connection ► Why is this important? Comprehend complex texts/documents Supports your thesis/argument
Note for Future: ► Today is a simple exercise where you interpret quotations and explain the meaning ► Future exercises will require that you not only interpret the meaning, but that you also explain how this quotation/document supports your thesis (make a connection!) …key to taking your analysis one step further
Analyzing Prince Quotations 1. Read the quotations 2. Underline/circle/highlight/annotate 3. Analyze/Explain what each passage is saying in complete sentences