1 Monitoring and Early Warning for Internet Worms Authors: Cliff C. Zou, Lixin Gao, Weibo Gong, Don Towsley Univ. Massachusetts, Amherst Publish: 10th ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS'03), 2003 Presenter: Cliff C. Zou (01/12/2006)
2 Monitor: Worm scans to unused IPs TCP/SYN packets UDP packets How to detect an unknown worm at its early stage? Unused IP space Monitored traffic Internet noisy Monitored data is noisy Local network
3 Worm anomaly other anomalies? A worm has its own propagation dynamics Deterministic models appropriate for worms Reflection Can we take advantage of worm model to detect a worm?
4 1% 2% Worm model in early stage Initial stage exhibits exponential growth
5 “Trend Detection” Detect traffic trend, not burst Trend: worm exponential growth trend at the beginning Detection: the exponential rate should be a positive, constant value Worm traffic Non-worm traffic burst Exponential rate on-line estimation Monitored illegitimate traffic rate
6 Why exponential growth at the beginning? The law of natural growth reproduction When interference is negligible (beginning phase) Attacker’s incentive: infect as many as possible before people’s counteractions If not, a worm does not reach its spreading speed limit Slow spreading worm detected by other ways Security experts manual check Honeypot, …
7 Model for estimate of worm exponential growth rate Exponential model: : monitoring noise Z t : # of monitored scans at time t yield
8 Estimation by Kalman Filter System: where Kalman Filter for estimation of X t :
9 Code Red simulation experiments Population: N=360,000, Infection rate: = 1.8/hour, Scan rate = N(358/min, ), Initially infected: I 0 =10 Monitored IP space 2 20, Monitoring interval: 1 minute Consider background noise At 0.3% (157 min): estimate stabilizes at a positive constant value
10 Damage evaluation — Prediction of global vulnerable population N yield Accurate prediction when less than 1% of N infected
11 Monitoring 2 14 IP space ( p =4 £ ) Damage evaluation — Estimation of global infected population I t : fraction of address space monitored : cumulative # of observed infected hosts by time t : per host scan rate : Prob. an infected to be observed by the monitor in a unit time # of unobserved Infected by t # of newly observed (t t+1)
12 What’s the paper’s contribution? A novel approach in anomaly detection Popular approach is based on static threshold Paper exploits worm dynamics Dynamics in a series of time Worm potential damage prediction Estimate global infected based on local info Predict global vulnerable population
13 Why this paper can be published? Different approach from popular ways Model-based anomaly detection Fresh view point --- interesting Solid (fancy) mathematic background Math is appropriate A pure experimental report is not (good) enough for academic paper Timely appearance Catch a promising/hot topic ASAP Rely on: advisors, (conference) paper, tech news, colleagues,
14 What’s the paper’s weakness? Early detection provides limited information Does not provide signature for worm defense Does not (accurately) identify global infected hosts Require a large empty IP space for monitoring Not very good for individual local network Worm damage prediction results are accurate only for uniform-scan worms Many worms using biased scanning strategies
15 How to improve the paper? I have improved CCS’03 conference paper and published in IEEE Tran. on Networking Detect a worm earlier Conference paper uses simple worm model, TON’s uses exponential model (several times faster) Consider the limitation of monitoring system TON’s paper adds analysis/experiments of the monitoring problem for non-uniform scan worms