Understanding the ways in which you learn best! Learning Styles
Auditory learners learn best by hearing. Auditory
1. Have a quiet place to study! If you need background noise try classical music or Ms. Brothers’ suggestion—Epic Movie sound track on Pandora! 2. Recite aloud as you study. 3.Be in class! Copying someone else notes will not be as effective for you! 4. After taking notes—recite them into a tape player and listen to them. 5. Talk to yourself or study in groups! 6. When solving problems, talk yourself through each step. 7. For tests recite and recall information
Visual learners learn best by seeing. Visual
1. You should study/learn away from clutter and windows. If you sit near a window and it distracts you, you need to let me know! 2. Highlight and write while learning, studying, or taking notes. 3. ALWAYS write down what you need to remember… Cornell is a great option! Use your planner!!! 4. In your notes—use symbols, charts, and drawings 5. Make recall clues as visual as possible—be creative! 6. Make notations on your test—draw, underline, cross out. Ask teachers for permission first—you are always welcome to do this in my class! Recall information for exams by visualizing the page it was found on. Try to imagine pictures or titles.
Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing and moving. Kinesthetic/Tactile
1. Study in chunks! Typically this type of learner has trouble sitting still for long periods of time. Use a timer to break studying up. 2. Use your senses when you study! See, Hear, Smell, Touch, and if applicable taste things! 3. Move around when you study. Lay study cards on in various places around the house—then visualize yourself moving to those places when you take the test. 4. Set goals for how much you intend to cover each day. 5. Do triggered recall on exams 6. Study with another Kinesthetic person! 7.Try to “feel” how you’ve stored information.