Unit 4 Welcome to “Word processing features” Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
After completion of this module you should be able to: Use bullets and numbering points. Apply indentation Use special symbols Insert page breaks Insert headers and footers Add page numbers Search and replace text. Change the default language of Word Learning Objectives Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Inserting pictures, shapes, and clip art. Apply editing to the above mentioned. Grouping and resizing of different shapes. Apply WordArt to a document. Insert diagrams. Learning objectives … Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Inserting bullet points or number points. Highlight the lines that are to have the bullets or numbers. In the home tab, under the paragraph group. Click the drop down menu and select the desired bullet point. If you need a numbered list click the numbering list drop down menu and select the desired numbering style. To remove bullets or numbering points, simply highlight the text and click the “None” option in the drop down list. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities See next slide on steps to follow!
Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities Bullets and numbering points Be sure to highlight your text first
Indentation: Making a space between the margin of the page and start of the paragraph. There are different indentations Left indent: Puts space to the left of the paragraph Right indent: Puts space to the right of the paragraph First line indent: Ensures that the first line starts further to the right than the lines below it. Hanging indent: Ensures that the first line starts further to the left than the lines below it. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
To left/right indent or to remove these indentation: 1. Highlight the relevant text, right click on the highlighted text and select the paragraph dialog box. Under indentation: Type in the amount to left indent and amount to right intent or type 0 to remove these indentation and click ok. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Insert the indentation measurements here Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
To indent by first line or by hanging or to remove this indentation: 1. Highlight the relevant text, right click on the highlighted text and select the paragraph dialog box. 2.Under indentation: Click on the drop down of special and choose first line /hanging. In the By text box type in the amount to indent by first line or by hanging line respectively and click ok. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Special symbols and characters. These are characters # &∏∞≥ etc which normally appear combined on a single button on the keyboard. Some special characters are not on the keyboard. Two ways of inserting a special character/symbols: 1. If the special character is on the keyboard, hold the shift key and press the special character 2. Click the insert tab and click the “symbol button”, click more if character wanted is not found. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
1.Create a new Word document with the name “New Activity”. 2.List 10 celebrities that you like. 3.Apply bullet points to the first 5 in the shapes of arrows and numbering points to the remaining 5. 4.Indent the first and third (3 rd ) lines to the right respectively by 2cm and 3cm. 5.Apply the special character &, $, ®, © and ¨ to the final celebrity’s name. Activity 1 ______ Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities I hope you have been practising along. Now time to test your knowledge please follow instructions !
Page breaks: - this is the point where the page will end and the rest of the information will continue on the next page. Place the cursor on the document where the page break must be inserted, Click the insert tab page break. Headers and footers: Header is text in the top margin of the page. Footer is text in the bottom margin of the page. Take note that headers and footers will appear on every page once inserted. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Inserting Headers 1. Click the insert tab. 2. Click Header. 3. A list of options appears, click one to insert and type text to appear as header 4. Close the Header & footer tab to return to the document. Removing a Header 1. Click the insert tab. 2. Click Header 3. Click the Remove header to delete a header. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Headers Choose a built in header Edit or remove a header
Inserting Footers 1.Click the insert tab. 2.Click Footers 3.A list of options appears, click one to insert and type to appear as footer 4.Close the Header & footer tab to return to the document. Removing a Footer 1.Click the insert tab. 2.Click Footer 3.Click the Remove Footer to delete a footer. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Footers Choose a built in header Edit or remove a header
To insert a page number 1.Click the insert tab. 2.Click the Page number button. 3.Choose a page number option. 4.Close the headers and footers. To delete a page number 1.Click the insert tab. 2.Click the Page number button. 3.Click remove page numbers. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Select the position of the page number. Either remove or edit the page numbers. Be sure to exit the header and footer design afterwards. Otherwise you will not be able to edit the rest of the document. Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
1.Add your name and surname as a header 2.Add your student number as the footer and centre it. 3.Apply a page number to the bottom right corner of the page. Activity 2 ______ Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities I hope you have been practising along. Now time to test your knowledge please follow instructions !
Find The find command enables searching for specific text in a document. Search Text Select the Home tab. Click the find button in the far right of the ribbon. In the find what text box, type text to search. Click the find Next. Word will highlight the first occurrence of the text. To find next occurrence click find next again. If you get a message box that informs you that Word reached the end of the document, click ok. Click the close button to close the find and replace dialog box. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Replace- finds text and replace them with specified text. To replace: Select the home tab, click the “Replace” button on the far right of the ribbon. In the find what text box, type the text you want replaced. In the replace with text box, type the text you want to replace with. Click the “More” button and select any criteria you want. Click the “Find Next”. Word will highlight the first occurrence of the text in the document. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Replace The replace dialog box has 3 options: 1.Click the “Find Next” to leave the highlighted text unchanged and continue searching. 2.Click “Replace” to replace the highlighted text and continue the search for the next occurrence. 3.Click the “Replace All” to replace all occurrences of the text without confirmation Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Inserting a new page or blank page. Place your cursor at the end of the document and click the insert tab. Click “Blank Page” in the left corner of the ribbon. Notice that wherever you have your cursor, is where your blank page appears. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Inserting a clip Art : Clip art is a small picture that is built into Microsoft Word. Select the insert tab, click the “Clip Art” button. In the clip art task pane, type a keyword for the desired clip art. Click “Go”. Click the clip art you want to insert. When you click on it will be inserted in Word document. Close the Clip art task pane in the top right corner at the small x. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Inserting a chart 1. Select the insert tab, click the chart button. 2. Select the desired chart to insert. 3. Click OK. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Inserting a picture from a folder or hard drive. Select the Insert tab, click the Insert Picture. Locate and select the image. Click insert. Resizing a picture Double click on the picture Click on the pictures tool format, on the size group enter the height and the width. Always remember to save your work. Formatting a document Remember to check the measurement units!! Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Moving a picture in the same document. Click the image/picture and hold while moving the mouse to the correct location. Make sure that your cursor changes to 4 arrows pointing in all 4 directions. Copy or cut a picture Right click the picture. Select copy/cut from the right click menu. Go to the document where you want to move it to. Right click the mouse and select paste. You can copy a picture to a different or to the same document. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Deleting a picture Select the picture and click delete on the keyboard. OR Right click on the picture and select delete in the right click menu. Changing the picture size Click the picture and notice the picture is now selected. Notice the contextual tab that appears at the top of the ribbon. Select the format contextual tab. Type the height and width of the picture in the size group. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
1.Insert a clip art picture related to Christmas. 2.Insert a picture from the hard drive. 3.Apply the following sizes to both images: 1.Width = 2cm 2.Height = 2cm 4.Copy the 2 nd picture to a new page in the same document. Activity 3 ______ Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Inserting shapes Click the insert tab and select the shapes button. Select the desired shape from the menu. Click on the document, this will place the shape in the document. Changing the Shape size Click on the shape and notice it is now selected. Click the contextual tab that appears as the shape is now selected to change the size of the shape as you did with the picture in the previous slide. Alternatively you can change the shape size by dragging on the handles that are around the shape. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Colour the shape Still on the same contextual tab, select the colour fill you desire in the “shape styles” group. Changing the line colour of the shape select the shape outline drop-down menu in the “shape styles” group. Select a colour or click no outline to remove the line from the object. Change the Line style of a shape Select the shape outline drop-down menu. Place the mouse pointer on the weight option to open up a submenu. From the sub menu that appears click the desired line style or select more lines for more style options. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Grouping of shapes. Shapes can be grouped together and edited, moved, copied or resized as a group. To group shapes together you must have more than one shape selected. To do this click on one shape, then hold down the ctrl button on your keyboard. Now click on the rest of the shapes that are to be grouped together. Now let go of the ctrl button. Right click on one of the selected shapes. Select the “grouping” option in the right click menu and click group. Notice that both shapes have now been selected as one shape and can be copied, moved, edited, etc. as one shape. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Word Art: WordArt is used to create artistic text. Select the insert button and select “WordArt” button. Select a WordArt style from the in ribbon gallery. Delete the text that say “enter text here” and enter desired text in the pop up box. Click “ok”. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
3-D Effect : viewing an image more faces at once, e.g. height, length, depth etc. Click on the image. On the drawing tools contextual tab select the 3-D Effect button and select desired 3-D setting. OR select No 3-D effect to remove it. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Applying shadows to object. Click on the object or shape. Select the drawing tools tab and select the Shadow Effect button. Click the desired shadow setting. OR select No shadow effect to remove it. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Changing the shadow colour Click on the object or shape. Select the drawing tools contextual tab and select the Shadow Effect button. Select shadow colour and select desired colour. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
1.Insert a square and a circle shape. 2.Group the shapes together. 3.Apply the following formatting: 1.Size: 1.height = 5cm 2.Width = 5cm 2.Color = blue 3.Line style = 3pt 4.3D style = parallel 3d style 2 4.Insert some fancy WordArt with your name and surname as text. Activity 4 ______ Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Adding a diagram Click the insert tab, click the “Insert SmartArt” button. Select one of the following available SmartArt categories on the left hand side. Each categories on the left hand side when clicked display different graphics on the right hand side or click all to display all graphics at once. Select the desired SmartArt graphic on the right hand side and click OK. Click the text placeholder in the graphic and type desired text there. Click any where outside the drawing when you are done. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Changing the default language To change the default language click on the office button. Click the “Word Options” button at the bottom of the menu. At the “Popular” selection click the button labeled “Language settings”. Here you can add a language that Word should work in. Press “OK” once you have made your selection. Formatting a document Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Before printing out anything from your document, it’s usually a good idea to first have a printing preview. To do this click on the file tab. Click on the “Print” button, and to your right “Print Preview” will be showing. You can’t edit in this view, but changes to the margins and orientation can be made here. To exit the print preview click the “exit ”or “home tab” button. Printing Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
1. Click the office button Click on Print the Print Preview Make any changes if necessary Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
To print a Word document simply click the file tab. In the menu, click on “Print”. This will bring up the print dialog box. At the printer name, click the drop down menu to select the specific printer where the document will print out. Various other settings can be selected from this menu including: Number of copies Pages to be printed Page scaling Once all the settings are in order click the “OK” button. Printing Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
1. Click the office button Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
1.Open a new Word document and save it as “Week 7”. 2.Insert a picture of your choice in Word. 3.Resize the picture: 1.Height: 2.5cm 2.Width: 3.5cm 4.Place a page break right after the picture. 5.Insert your name, surname and student number in the footer. 6.Insert page numbers to the document. 7.Insert a picture of KFC in the header. Align the picture to the right of the header. 8.List 3 things you know about KFC and place bullet points to these points. 9.Indent the first bullet point by 2cm to the left. 10.Insert a blank page and add the special character “®” next to your name. 11.Search the document for your name and replace it with “Alex”. Weekly activity ______ Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities
Lubbe, M., Benson, S. (2008). End-User Computing Windows XP and Office Let’s Do It!, ISBN REFERENCE Polytechnic of Namibia, School of Humanities