ICARA Exchange & Dissemination Dr. Niamh Fitzgerald Lecturer in Alcohol Studies, UKCTAS, University of Stirling Committee member, INEBRIA
ICARA’s Objectives Objectives Global Forum for Info Exchange Development of ATOD Societies Advancement of Knowledge Scientific Integrity Advocacy for Use of Evidence
Global Forum for Info Exchange Development of ATOD Societies Advancement of Knowledge Scientific Integrity Advocacy for Use of Evidence How?
a)Policies on how to exclude members known to have violated legal or ethical regulations; b)Meeting policies, especially sponsorship c)Bylaws d)Successful advocacy for research funding on both policy and treatment e)Relations between society, journal and publisher (as they seem to differ and often are somewhat unclear) f)Funding sources Are these of interest? From 2014 meeting minutes) ICARA 2015
New position statement on the alcohol industry: conflicts of interest; sponsorship etc. Currently considering position statement on the pharmaceutical industry. Byelaws only allow voting in person at AGM. We have no funding source or journal; advocacy is primarily via dissemination of issues to members. Examples from INEBRIA ICARA 2015
Management of websites; mechanisms for communication with and between members e.g. listserves, discussion groups, use of social media etc. Membership fee structures Relationships between the membership organisation and its conference organisers Conference structures and traditions Other areas of interest? ICARA 2015
Establish a small working group – need 2 colleagues to join me. Prepare list of ICARA members with named contact and contact information for each. Select 2-3 areas to prioritise for information exchange Collate and review the websites of existing members – to established what is already in the public domain in relation to the selected issues. Contact members for additional information – share (with permission) on the ICARA website. ICARA 2015 How to move forward? Suggestions & Volunteers?
International Network for Brief Interventions for Alcohol and Other Drugs UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies 8 Please get in touch…