VCE Texts and Traditions Accreditation period Units 1–4: 2010–2014
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VCE Texts and Traditions 2010–2014 The VCE Texts and Traditions Study Design (Units 1–4) has been reviewed and accredited for the period 2010–2014.
Summary of changes to Units 3 and 4 VCE Texts and Traditions underwent review and revision in While this summary highlights major changes, teachers should read carefully the revised study design to become familiar with the detail of the changes.
Summary of changes to Units 3 and 4 Units 3 and 4 are substantially the same Unit 3 has retained three outcomes Unit 4 has retained two outcomes All outcomes require at least one assessment task each Assessment tasks are chosen from tasks listed in the study design The key knowledge and key skills have been clarified
Unit 3 – Texts and the early tradition Unit Introduction The introduction has been revised and provides an overview of the nature of the study. It provides definitions for key terms such as: Texts, Foundational, Traditions.
Unit 3 – Texts and the early tradition Area of Study 1 Background of the tradition The selection of contexts should be made such that it prepares students for Outcome 2 Students not only identify socio-cultural contexts but explain how these contexts influenced the early development of the tradition. Outcome 1 – School assessed coursework is 30% of the 25% contribution of this Unit to the study score
Unit 3 – Texts and the early tradition Area of study 2 Historical and literary background to the set text School assessed coursework contributes 30% of the 25% contribution to the study score for the unit Selected themes should stem from the passages for special study but be applicable to the entire set text.
Unit 3 – Texts and the early tradition Area of Study 2 The AOS has more detailed scoping, for example: Currently: discuss questions of theme Revised: –identifying major themes in the set text, –outlining why the major themes are in the set text and –locating examples of the development of given themes within the set text.
Unit 3 – Texts and the early tradition Area of Study 3 Interpreting texts – Exegesis (Part1) No longer identical to Unit 4 Outcome 1 The nature of and challenges to exegetical method has been added The outcome is scoped to some of the passages for special study More basic level of skill expected compared to Unit 4 School assessed coursework contributes 40% of the 25% contribution of this unit to the study score.
Unit 4 – Texts and their teachings Unit Introduction The Introduction makes it clear that the Exegesis required increases in depth and moves from a focus on some set special study passages to all set special study passages.
Unit 4 – Texts and their teachings Area of Study 1 Interpreting texts – Exegesis (Part 2) School assessed coursework contributes 50% of the 25% contribution to the study score for this unit Study of exegetical method not required for this outcome (only in Unit 3)
Unit 4 - Texts and their teachings Outcome 1 cont’d A progression in two key skills: Unit 3Unit 4 - Identify and describe the relationship that the meaning, function and teaching of texts have within their historical and social setting - explain textual features - Analyse the relationship that the meaning, function and teaching of texts have within their historical and social setting - Analyse textual features
Unit 4 – Texts and their teachings Area of Study 2 Religious ideas, beliefs and social themes The chosen religious idea, belief or social theme should stem from the passages for special study More detailed scoping of the required discussion Discussion and analysis is to be supported by passages from the set text School assessed coursework is 50% of the 25% contribution of this Unit to the study score
Units 3 and 4 Assessment tasks Assessment tasks for Units 3 and 4 have been expanded and are no longer prescribed for particular outcomes. For each Outcome one or more of the following tasks is to be selected: textual commentary essay oral presentation, supported, where appropriate, by multimedia presentation exegetical task short report test short-answer questions
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