Simple Carbohydrates Also called simple sugars. Usually taste sweet. Found in refined sugars and in lollipops Found in nutritious foods like fruit and milk – the best choice! No added sugar, but plenty of fiber, vitamins and minerals. Are broken down quickly, used quickly, and you feel hungry sooner.
Complex Carbohydrates Also called starches. Usually bitter tasting. Refined starches (white flour and white rice) have nutrients and fiber removed. Unrefined starches are better because they still contain many vitamins and minerals, plus fiber. Are broken down more slowly, so you feel full and satisfied longer. Energy is available over a longer period of time.
Types of Simple Sugars Glucose – Apples, Bananas, Grapes, Raisins, Corn Sucrose - Sugar Beets, Sugar Cane Fructose - Apples, Pears, Peaches Lactose – Milk, Dairy Products If it has –ose at the end of its name, it’s a simple sugar.