3/18/2015 Starter: Describe how a virus attacks a cell Virus Model 3/18/2015 Virus Model Application/Connection: Virus model Exit: How is a virus different from a bacteria? Practice: Write three things to remember
1 Starter 2. Video 3. Lab 4. Ws March 17, 2015 AGENDA B. 8 A B4 C Compare the structures of viruses to cells, describe viral reproduction, and describe the role of viruses in causing diseases
Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page 2/12 Ordering Fossils Activity /13 Evidence of Fossils /17 Test Review /19-20 Classification /23 Dichotomous Key Notes /24 Dichotomous Key Project /5 Cladagrams /16 Bacteria, Viruses, and Protista /17 Virus lab /18 Virus Model Table of Contents
Starter Describe how a virus attacks a cell
3/18/2015 Starter: Describe how a virus attacks a cell Virus Model 3/18/2015 Virus Model Application/Connection: Virus model Exit: How is a virus different from a bacteria? Practice: Write three things to remember