Good Afternoon Task: Today you will evaluate your ability to identify, distinguish, and write observations, hypotheses, testable questions, summaries, critiques. We will be correcting our HW # 5&6. If you do not get one back, that is either because you did not complete it, or you did not put your name on it. Look on with your neighbor. We strongly suggest that you print out the homework from the website and use the answer key (on the powerpoint) to check your responses. L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.
Define: Observation, Qualitative Observation, Quantitative Observation and Hypothesis in the boxes below. Information gathered by using your senses. Something you noticed by using your senses. Observation WITHOUT numbers. Observation WITH numbers. An educated guess that you test by investigating. L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.
1) The bike belongs to the man. _________ 2) The man probably rode his bike for 5 miles. ______ 3) The diameter of the front wheel is 3.0cm. _______ 4) The man has a bag over his shoulder. _______ 5) There is a basket on the bike. ______ 6) The bike has 2 wheels. ______ H H QN QL QN L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work. 3 cm
7) State your own qualitative observation about the picture. ___________________________________________________ 8) State your own quantitative observation about the picture. ___________________________________________________ 9) State your own hypothesis about the picture. ___________________________________________________ L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work. The man is wearing a hat. The man is wearing short pants There are 2 books in the basket. The man has 2 legs. The man is riding to work.
What affect does low amounts of gravity have on an astronaut’s body (muscle strength)? L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.
What affect does low amounts of gravity have on an astronaut’s body (muscle strength)? Scientist noticed that space travel causes loss of muscle strength and density L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.
What affect does low amounts of gravity have on an astronaut’s body (muscle strength)? Scientist noticed that space travel causes loss of muscle strength and density Scientist believe that long amounts time in space can weaken astronauts bodies due to low physical activity in an environment without gravity. L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.
Write a 100 word summary and critique (give your opinion) about the article When reviewing your writing, there are 3 main things you will be looking for: 1)Main idea and supporting details 2)Critique (your opinion) of the article 3)Grammar L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.
1) Summary: Main Idea and supporting details Main Idea: NASA is testing the effects of low amounts of gravity on the human body. Supporting details: (Details about participant requirements) For example… Participants must stay awake for sixteen hours and sleep eight hours a day. L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.
Critique (Your [expert] Opinion) How might you begin a critique? “I think…” “In my opinion…” “I believe…” Tip: When giving your opinion in an academic paper, write as an expert! Do not use the sentence starters above. Instead, begin similar to the following: “The article on the NASA experiment is interesting (or uninteresting) because…” L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.
Grammar (Proofreading Symbols) 3 lines means… Capitalize a letter. This symbol means… Transpose (switch the order). This symbol means… Add a period. thes sp This symbol means…Incorrect spelling.
1)Problem: My cell phone keeps running out. Question: Will text messaging my friends less _______________________________________. Hypothesis: If I ___________________ then, _________________________________ because,____________________________________. 2) Problem: I use the bathroom a lot during the day. Question: Hypothesis: If I________________ then _________________________________ because ___________________________________. stop my cell phone battery from running out? text my friends less my cell phone battery won’t run out quickly Will drinking less water cause me to use the bathroom less? drink less water I will use the bathroom less I will have less water in my bladder. text messages uses a lot of the battery’s energy L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.
3) Problem: My test scores are low. Question: What affect does have on ______________________________. Hypothesis: If I __________________________ then, _________________________________ because,_______________________________________. 4) Problem: My back hurts at the end of the day. Question: How is affected by Hypothesis: If ___________________________________ then _________________________________ because ___________________________________. my test scores? complete my homework my test scores will increase the amount of weight in my bookbag? my back hurting at the end of the day the amount of weight in my bookbag is less my back will hurt less at the end of the day my back muscles will have to work less. doing hw lets me to constantly review for the test completing my homework L.T: I can review and edit errors in my own work.