UNCLASSIFIED Defense Threat Reduction Agency Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Mark Flohr Program Manager J-9 ST
UNCLASSIFIED Topics Covered Research and Development at DTRA SBIR/STTR Programs 2
UNCLASSIFIED DTRA Research and Development Chemical Weapons Biological Weapons Nuclear Weapons Radiological Devices High Yield Explosives CBRNE THREATS Meeting the most pressing challenges… Across the spectrum of C-WMD… Nonproliferation Consequence Management Counterproliferation Basic Research Applied Research Advanced Research Development In support of warfighters… 3
UNCLASSIFIED What’s Unique about DTRA RDT&E Focused Solely on CBRNE Emphasis on Combat Support − Within a Combat Support Agency (CSA) − Military / Deployable Workforce − 24/7 Ops / Reachback Center Unique in-house field test capabilities No indigenous laboratory infrastructure −Competitive bids, national labs, industry, academia Nimble and responsive to urgent needs 4
UNCLASSIFIED Basic Research Focus Foster farsighted, high payoff research focused on the unique challenges to prevent, reduce, eliminate, defeat and mitigate threats from Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Advance the fundamental knowledge and understanding in the sciences used for counter WMD technologies Promote university research to support WMD threat reduction Attract next-generation workforce Facilitate transition of research results to higher levels of S&T maturation Basic research grants (not SBIR/STTR) provide funding of up to $350,000 per year for up to five years toward: Accredited degree-granting colleges, universities, and academic institutions Not-for-profit entities with a portfolio predominantly in research 5
UNCLASSIFIED Information Sciences and Applications Advanced Analytics Technical Reachback Hazard and Effects Modeling & Deployment Research, develop, integrate, transition and deploy cutting-edge information science, advanced analytic, and modeling and simulation capabilities, while providing operational, near real-time decision support 6
UNCLASSIFIED Counter-WMD Technologies Research, develop and demonstrate innovative technologies and capabilities to actively counter the full spectrum of CBRNE threats Advanced Energetics CWMD Terrorism Technology Test Facilities & Technology Persistent ISR for WMD Offensive Weapons 7
UNCLASSIFIED Nuclear Technologies Research and develop technologies to enhance the safety, security, survivability, and performance of U.S. assets and facilities in a nuclear environment System Survivability, Radiation Hardened Microelectronics, and EMP Protection Nuclear Forensics Nuclear Weapon Effects Treaty Verification Technologies Nuclear Threat Detection 8
UNCLASSIFIED 9 Making the world safer... …by countering weapons of mass destruction