Micro Teach Presentations All to carry out an individual presentation on a topic of your choice. Presentations must: Be 30 minutes long. Explain the point that you have chosen Include opportunities to embed Minimum Core Have a completed session plan
Presentation Dates Monday 23 rd April and 30 th April PLEASE ATTEMPT TO BE PUNCTUAL FOR THESE SESSIONS
Presentation Feedback You will all be required to feedback on each others presentations using the presentation feedback forms (forms 7). Feedback is an important part of teaching.
Presentation Feedback For the presentation we will be completing feedback forms as opposed to giving one to one feedback. You will need to think about: The strengths of the presentation Areas for development – (Note: We do not use ‘weaknesses’) Action required to improve the session for the future. Remember that everyone has strengths and areas for development. When providing details of actions to work on, pick out 2 main actions, don’t produce a list.
Effective Feedback Give feedback as soon after the event as possible. Focus on the positive. Feedback needs to be given privately wherever possible, especially more negative feedback. Feedback needs to be part of the overall communication process. Stay in the ‘here and now’, don’t bring up old concerns or previous mistakes, unless this is to highlight a pattern of behaviours. Focus on behaviours that can be changed, not personality traits.
Effective Feedback cont. Talk about and describe specific behaviours, giving examples where possible and do not evaluate or assume motives. When giving negative feedback, suggest alternative behaviours. Feedback is for the recipient, not the giver – be sensitive to the impact of your message. Do not overload – identify two or three key messages that you summarise at the end.
Written Assignment DEADLINE: 14 th May 2012 Your assignment should: be in Arial or Comic Sans and 12 font. have a minimum of 3 references quoted using the Harvard system. have a good standard of English – check spelling and punctuation. include references and, if appendices are included, a contents page if included each appendix should be numbered, the contents page should state the contents of each appendix. have been proof read.
Written Assignment Unit 2 The written assignment should be approximately 1000 words in total on Planning & Enabling Learning: Theory Assignment title: Planning and enabling learning in an inclusive environment involves the consideration of initial assessment, negotiating goals with learners, the use of resources (including new and emerging technologies) and effective communication skills and methods, suitable for learners and relevant parties in own organisation. Produce one written rationale (maximum 1000 words) considering your reasons for selecting areas of research.
Use the criteria in your handout (1.1 to 2.8) to ensure that you have covered all areas required for the assignment, relating to your area of teaching where possible. Please don’t forget an introduction outlining who you are and what you intend to discuss in this assignment. Don’t forget a conclusion discussing how this module and assignment has informed your practise and what you will do differently as a result. Word limits are fairly strict. You are allowed 10% either way. Deadline 14 th May