GNU Free Documentation License List of projects that use the GFDL 1 Most projects of the media Foundation, including (excluding news) - On June 15, 2009, the Section 11 clauses were used to dual-license the content of these s under the Creative Commons Attribution Share- Alike license and GFDL.
GNU Free Documentation License List of projects that use the GFDL 1 Citizendium - the project uses GFDL for articles originally from.
GNU Free Documentation License List of projects that use the GFDL 1 - artists descriptions are under GFDL
GNU Free Documentation License List of projects that use the GFDL 1 The specification documents that define TRAK, an enterprise architecture framework, are released under the GFDL.
Debian Free Software Guidelines - GFDL 1 Due to the GFDL invariant sections, content under this license must be separately contained in an additional "non- free" repository which is not officially considered part of Debian.
GFDL 1 The 'GNU Free Documentation License' ('GNU FDL' or simply 'GFDL') is a copyleft license for free documentation, designed by the Free Software Foundation (FSF) for the GNU Project
GFDL 1 The GFDL was designed for User guide|manuals, textbooks, other reference and instructional materials, and documentation which often accompanies GNU software. However, it can be used for any text-based work, regardless of subject matter. For example, the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia uses the GFDL (coupled with the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike License) for all of its text.
GFDL - History 1 Richard Stallman: [ ss/browse_thread/thread/c6c449e5c50847f8/ e017675d New Documentation License--Comments Requested] gnu.misc.discuss Newsgroup, 12 September 1999 After revisions, version 1.1 was issued in March 2000, version 1.2 in November 2002, and GFDL 1.3|version 1.3 in November The current state of the license is version
GFDL - Secondary sections 1 These features were added in part to make the license more financially attractive to commercial publishers of software documentation, some of whom were consulted during the drafting of the GFDL.Richard Stallman: [ Why publishers should use the GNU FDL] Accessed on GNU project: [ faq.html#WhyNotGPLForManuals Frequently Asked Questions about the GNU Licenses: Why don't you use the GPL for manuals?] Endorsements sections are intended to be used in official standard documents, where distribution of modified versions should only be permitted if they are not labeled as that standard any more.
GFDL - Commercial redistribution 1 However, incorporating such restricted material may be fair use under United States copyright law (or fair dealing in some other countries) and does not need to be licensed to fall within the GFDL if such fair use is covered by all potential subsequent uses
GFDL - Compatibility with Creative Commons licensing terms 1 Although the two licenses work on similar copyleft principles, the GFDL is not compatible with the Creative Commons Creative Commons licenses|Attribution- ShareAlike license.
GFDL - Compatibility with Creative Commons licensing terms 1 However, at the request of the Wikimedia Foundation, version 1.3 added a time-limited section allowing specific types of websites using the GFDL to additionally offer their work under the CC-BY-SA license. These exemptions allow a GFDL-based collaborative project with multiple authors to transition to the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license, without first obtaining the permission of every author, if the work satisfies several conditions:
GFDL - Compatibility with Creative Commons licensing terms 1 The Wikimedia Foundation itself after a public referendum, invoked this process to dual-license content released under the GFDL under the CC-BY-SA license in June 2009, and adopted a foundation-wide attribution policy for the use of content from Wikimedia Foundation projects.
GFDL - Enforcement 1 There have currently been no cases involving the GFDL in a court of law, although its sister license for software, the GNU General Public License, has been successfully enforced in such a setting.[ settles-open-source-software-law/ Verizon Settles Open Source Software Lawsuit] (Paul McDougell, InformationWeek, March 17, 2008) Although the content of Wikipedia has been plagiarized and used in violation of the GFDL by other sites, such as Baidu Baike, no contributors have ever tried to bring an organization to court due to violation of the GFDL
GFDL - Criticism 1 Some critics consider the GFDL a non-free license. Some reasons for this are that the GFDL allows invariant text which cannot be modified or removed, and that its prohibition against digital rights management (DRM) systems applies to valid usages, like for private copies made and not distributed.
GFDL - Criticism 1 However, their resolution stated that even without invariant sections, GFDL-licensed software documentation is still not free of trouble, namely because of its incompatibility with the major free software licenses.
GFDL - Criticism 1 Those opposed to the GFDL have recommended the use of alternative licenses such as the BSD Documentation License or the GNU GPL.
GFDL - Criticism 1 The FLOSS Manuals foundation, an organization devoted to creating manuals for free software, decided to eschew the GFDL in favor of the GPL for its texts in 2007, citing the incompatibility between the two, difficulties in implementing the GFDL, and the fact that the GFDL does not allow for easy duplication and modification, especially for digital documentation.FLOSS Manuals foundation: [ nseChange License Change] June 6, (Accessed June 20, 2009)
GFDL - DRM clause 1 In 2003, Richard Stallman said about the above sentence on the debian-legal mailing list:Richard Stallman ( ), [ legal/2003/09/msg00212.html Re: A possible GFDL compromise]. Accessed on
GFDL - Invariant sections 1 Richard Stallman said about invariant sections on the debian-legal mailing list:Richard Stallman, ( ), [ legal/2003/08/msg00807.html Re: A possible GFDL compromise]. Accessed on
GFDL - GPL incompatible in both directions 1 The GNU FDL is License compatibility|incompatible in both directions with the GPLmdash;material under the GNU FDL cannot be put into GPL code and GPL code cannot be put into a GNU FDL manual.[ legal/2003/04/msg00258.html Richard Braakman on Debian-legal] about GFDL/GPL incompatibility At the June 22nd and 23rd 2006 international GPLv3 conference in Barcelona, Eben Moglen hinted that a future version of the GPL could be made suitable for documentation:[ -moglen-transcript#lgpl Transcript of Eben Moglen at the 3rd international GPLv3 conference; 22nd June 2006]: LGPL, like merging electronic weak
GFDL - Burdens when printing 1 Wikivoyage, a web site dedicated to free content travel guides, chose not to use the GFDL because it considers it unsuitable for short printed texts.Wikivoyage:Project:Why Wikivoyage isn't GFDL
GFDL - List of projects that use the GFDL 1 * Most projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, including Wikipedia (excluding Wikinews) - On June 15, 2009, the Section 11 clauses were used to dual-license the content of these wikis under the Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike license and GFDL.
GFDL - List of projects that use the GFDL 1 * Citizendium - the project uses GFDL for articles originally from Wikipedia.
GFDL - List of projects that use the GFDL 1 * - artists descriptions are under GFDL
GFDL - List of projects that use the GFDL 1 * The specification documents that define TRAK, an enterprise architecture framework, are released under the GFDL.
GFDL - List of projects that use the GFDL 1 * The Virginia Commonwealth University Mathematics Department has begun commercially publishing mathematics texts licensed under the GFDL, including Abstract Algebra by Thomas W. Judson.
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