Web 2.0 Do we need the facilities at our school?
What is Web 2.0 ? Web 2.0 is: A new generation of web facilities A new perception and use of the web Main Principles: Web sites no longer isolated, but platforms for the end user User not only consumer, but participates in creation of sites, links, and systems Software in permanent development through users Individual data can be stored and managed in the web
Main tools available through Web 2.0 MainTools WikisBlogsFolksonomy Written real-time discussions Internet telephoning
Which IT developments lead to the Web 2.0 ? Examples: Software: Microsoft Front Page (for creating sites) Java (making real-time chats possible) Hardware: Higher capacity / speed of computers and laptops Servers able to host sites for thousands of people
Advantages of Web 2.0 Active Participation of users Users have a voice More information available Always up-to- date
Further advantages of web 2.0 Information is free and can be re-used Common work on projects by people at different places Communication: easy, fast, and inexpensive Users help each other through recommendations and taxonomy systems Quick links >> easy downloads to interpate web sources inyour work Flexible: personal data, texts, photos, etc. are accessible through links from wherever you are
Problems linked to linked to web 2.0 web 2.0 Information not realiable as all users can contribue Unsafe, uncontrolable: illegal publications become easily accessible Copyright often disregarded Viruses and spams spread easily Mass of information /data difficult to handle Protection of children from unsuitable pages difficult
Ways too get around problems for in-school use: Make students aware of: Unreliability of the information Copyright issues Restrict pages for students‘ access Block certain links Use anti-spam programs Always update anti-virus programs Put up a code of web use Have random checks of sites/links used by students
Why we should have Web 2.0 facilities in school : Research for assignments faster and easier More diversity of sources for reasearch We need to learn to use web 2.0: To be fit for life after school To keep up with IT developments To live with realities of todays world Seeing the dangers and problems linked to it,we need to learn and practice responsible use of Web 2.0
We hope in future this school will fully profit from the advantages of web 2.0 Thank you