ELSA Day ICM Malta, Opatija, 16th to 23th March 2014
Summary of ELSA Day 2014: 29 countries
173 events 98 events with topic „HR on internet“
Panel Discussion35Essay Competition 1 Lecture33Legal Debate 14 Seminar28Training Event 3 Conference26Movie Screening 8 Law School1Photo Competition 3 SV2Other 25 Moot Court3(i.e. Legal Academy, Event, Making Movie,..)
So far we received only 72 Evaluation Forms.. Don‘t forget to evaluate all events! :)
New ELSA Day Date: 89 responses from the survey from LGs Wednesday, 3rd week of February 4 Wednesday, 4th week of February 1 Wednesday, 1st week of March 20 Wednesday, 1st week of May 64
New ELSA Day Date: 7 responses from the survey from NGs Wednesday, 3rd week of February 0 Wednesday, 4th week of February 1 Wednesday, 1st week of March 4 Wednesday, 1st week of May 2