Pump-Up How do you think life will be like for Americans after WWI? What do the think the cause of the Great Depression is?
Roaring 20s & Great Depression
Today’s Vocabulary Jazz Age – Describes the nontraditional lifestyle of the 1920s. 18 th Amendment – No alcohol. 21 st Amendment – Allows Alcohol.
Today’s Vocabulary 19 th Amendment – Women receive the right to vote. Great Depression – Worst economic time in history; millions were affected world wide. New Deal – FDR’s recovery act that put thousands to work in public works projects through the use of deficit spending.
Science, Literature, and Art Scientists made discoveries that made people have doubts. – Einstein’s theory of relativity – Freud’s unconscious mind Many authors were disillusioned by the war and described the world was a barren wasteland, drained of hope and faith. Harlem Renaissance African Americans expressed their pride in their unique culture. Artists began a painting movement known as surrealism. – Paintings are eerie, unrealistic, and distorted.
Jazz Age Flappers – Young girls who “Bobbed” their hair – Rebellious youth – Wore makeup Drinking – 18 th Amendment- prohibition – 21 st Amendment- repealed prohibition Birth Control – Could go on unsupervised dates b/c of cars – Often went to the movies 19 th Amendment – Women’s suffrage Scopes Trial – Teaching of evolution Planes – Charles Lindbergh
Postwar Europe Many citizens of the new democracies had little experience with representative gov’t. – Frequent changes in gov’t made it hard for democratic countries to develop strong leadership. This became a major problem in times of crisis. – Voters in several countries were then willing to sacrifice democratic gov’t for strong, authoritarian leadership.
The Weimar Republic To make reparation payments, Germany began printing more money. – Caused severe inflation! Dawes Plan – Americans loaned money to German to help them with reparation payments. Kellogg-Briand Pact – Outlawed war
Financial Collapse Uneven distribution of wealth and overproduction led to: – Factories laid off workers b/c they couldn’t sell all their goods. – As more workers lost their jobs, families bought even fewer goods. Buying on credit – Resulted in large debts that people couldn’t pay back. Buying on margin – When people borrowed money to buy stocks. Black Tuesday – October 29, 1929 – Day the stock market crashed.
The Great Depression American bankers demanded repayment of their overseas loans, and American investors withdrew their money from Europe. – The American market for European goods dropped b/c high tariffs were placed on imported goods. Other nations imposed their own high tariffs. – Flow of money stops! Unemployment Rates
Democracies Confront the Crisis To respond to the crisis, nations around the world issued public works programs. – Deficit spending In the U.S., President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s reform was called the New Deal. – Alphabet soup agencies spent large amounts of money on welfare and relief programs.
Germany & Italy Fascist Government Social Supported by middle class, industrialists, and military Economic Economic functions controlled by the state Cultural Censorship Indoctrination Secret police Political Nationalist Racist One-party rule Supreme leader Basic Principles Authoritarianism State more important than the individual Charismatic leader Action oriented
Reflection Describe life in the 1920s. How does it differ to life in the 1930s?