Paul VanRaden 1, Mel Tooker 1, Mahinda Dematawewa 2, and Ron Pearson 2 1 Animal Improvement Programs Laboratory, USDA 2 Virginia Polytechnic Institute Productive Life Including All Lactations, Longer Lactations, and Calf Value
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (2)V AN RADEN Goals Allow credit for longer lactations in productive life (PL) Tsuruta et al, 2005, JDS 88:1156 Update factors that predict PL for cows still alive (censored cows) Improve the PL trait definition by considering lactation curves
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (3)V AN RADEN Data Sets Variance estimation from AIPL data 1,098,329 Holsteins born 1994 97 5109 sires with relationship matrix 10 mo, 12 mo, or unlimited length 2-mo calf value also considered Data censored at 36 to 84 mo of age Herds with complete lactations from DRMS history file
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (4)V AN RADEN PL Heritabilities and Correlations Lactation limit (mo) h2h2 1012None+Calf 10 mo mo No limit Calf.068
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (5)V AN RADEN Correlation of PL with Protein Correlation with protein10 mo12 mo No limit No limit + calf credit Phenotypic Genetic Phenotypic= , Genetic=.46JDS 76:2758
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (6)V AN RADEN Early Measures of PL 10-mo limit PL statistic Censoring age 3 yr4 yr6 yrFinal Heritability Genetic correlation Phenotypic correlation w/1st-parity protein Genetic correlation w/1st-parity protein
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (7)V AN RADEN Distribution of Months Until Culling 1 st -parity cows
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (8)V AN RADEN Lactation Curve yield = e [.059(1 e .047*t )/.047 .0018*t]
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (9)V AN RADEN First- and Later-Parity Shapes
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (10)V AN RADEN Current PL Credits Years Credit (%) 321
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (11)V AN RADEN Possible PL Credits Years Credit (%) 321
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (12)V AN RADEN Proposed PL Credits Month of lactation Parity
ADSA-ASAS-CSAS JOINT MEETING 2005 (13)V AN RADEN Conclusions PL parameters are changing across time Phenotypic correlations are fairly stable Genetic correlations have declined rapidly PL at 36-mo censoring has less info Heritability is lower than 1993 estimate Genetic correlation with final PL =.87 (vs.92) Can increase lactation length limit in PL to 12 mo or use lactation curve credits