“Mr. President” “Your Excellency?”
The President’s cabinet= executive department heads Department of State: Handles relationships with other countries Department of war: Defend the nation Treasury department: Oversee the nation’s finances
The Whiskey rebellion We don’t want to pay excise taxes on our whiskey! Let’s tar and feather those tax collector’s. I see this is a threat to the new government’s authority. The Whiskey Rebellion 13,000 troops were led by George Washington to put down the rebellion
Washington’s Farewell Address Do not let loyalty to political parties tear the nation apart
FederalistsRepublicans vs.
Federalists:Republicans: Alexander Hamilton Thomas Jefferson
Personal Background Alexander HamiltonThomas Jefferson Born in the Caribbean island of St. Croix He made his way on ability, ambition, and charm Represented New York in Congress Born in Virginia Played the violin Knew something about almost everything Tobacco planter who owned slaves Spoke eloquently with the pen
Alexander HamiltonThomas Jefferson View of Human Nature Shaped by his wartime experiences People were basically selfish and out for themselves Distrusted any system of government that gave to much power to the common people Assumed that informed citizens could make good decisions for themselves and there country Had great faith in the goodness and wisdom of people who worked the soil
Alexander HamiltonThomas Jefferson Best form of Government Favored democracy Best government was the one that governed the least The Constitution meant exactly what it said Weak national gov’t strong state gov’t The country should be ruled by—educated, wealthy, public-spirited men “those who own the country ought to govern it” Favored strong national government
Alexander HamiltonThomas Jefferson Ideal Economy Use of the federal gov’t to increase the nation’s wealth Establish a national bank to give loans to business’s which would benefit all american’s America’s future lie with farmers Based on agriculture Opposed a national bank saw it as anti- farmer
Alexander HamiltonThomas Jefferson Relations with Britain and France Republicans supported France who supported democracy Most federalists sided with Great Britain Great Britain was everything he hoped the United States would become
Warm-up Read the first 2 paragraphs of section 11.6 on page 155 of your textbook. Answer the following question. What made the presidential election of 1796 strange? Thomas Jefferson was running as a republican and John Adams was running as a Federalist. John Adams won the election with Thomas Jefferson coming in a close second making him Vice President. The nation’s top 2 leaders were political enemies from opposing parties
John Adams Federalist What did federalists argue about the Alien (noncitizen) Act? They argued that the laws protected the country from troublemakers.
Thomas Jefferson Republicans How did the republicans view the Alien Acts? Since most immigrants were Republicans they viewed these laws as an attack on their party.
The Sedition Act What was the Republican’s view? What was the Federalists’s view? Federalist’s believed the Sedition Act would punish those who published lies intended to destroy the government. Republican’s believed the Sedition Act was an attack on the rights of free speech.
The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions Define the following terms on page 156 All rights kept by the states under the Constitution. Supporters of states’ rights sometimes argued that states were not obliged to honor federal laws that they believed violated the constitution States’ Rights Nullify To refuse to recognize a federal law. This action by a state is called nullification
The election of 1800