1 Open Management 開放式管理 陳彥錚 (Yen-Cheng Chen) 銘傳大學 資管系
2 Contents v 1. Introduction v 2. Open Approaches for Management v 3. Issues in Open Management v 4. Conclusion
3 1. Introduction v Open Management Automated Network and Systems Management in a Non-Proprietary, Widely Accepted Standard Fashion. v OSI Management (ISO/ITU-T). v Internet Management. v Not Limited to CMIP and SNMP.
4 Why Open Management v Interoperability Ability of individual components within an open management environment to exchange information (i.e., interworking) v Portability Ability to easily place management functions in various platforms. v Integration Integration of lower-level, individual (e.g. element management) systems to achieve higher-level, integrated management (e.g., service management).
5 Manager-Agent Model Legend : MA : Manager Applications MO : Managed Objects R : Real Resource Network Agent MO R Communication Protocols Manager MA Management Operation Response Event Communication Protocols
6 Management Components v Manager v Agent v Management Communication Protocol v Management Information Base (MIB) Collection of Managed Objects
7 Object-Oriented Management Model Objects: Application, Service, MO,... ORB: Object Request Broker ORB
8 2. Open Approaches for Management v Manager-Agent Model ISO/ITU-T OSI Management (CMIP) IETF Internet Management (SNMP) X/Open XMP/XOM API v Object-Oriented Management Model OMG's CORBA v Specific Management Domain ITU-T TMN OSF's DME DMTF's DMI
9 Legends v XMP: X/Open Management Protocol v XOM: X/Open OSI-Abstract Data Manipulation v API: Applications Programming Interface v OMG: Object Management Group v CORBA: Common Object Request Broker Architecture v TMN: Telecommunications Management Network v OSF: Open Systems Foundation v DME: Distributed Management Environment v DMTF: Desktop Management Task Force v DMI: Desktop Management Interface
OSI Management OSI Protocol Stack Link ACSEROSE CMISE... SMASE MAs OSI Protocol Stack Link ACSEROSE CMISE... SMASE MO SMFs CMIS/P SMI/GDMO Network Common Management Information Protocol
11 SMFs SMFAs SMFs Applications CMIS GetSetActionCancel GetEvent ReportDeleteCreate Lower Layer Services FM CM PMSM AM Object Management State Management Attributes for Repre- senting Relationships Alarm Reporting Management Event Reporting Management Log Control Security Alarm Reporting Security Audit Trail Objects and Attributes for Access Control Accounting Metering Workload Monitoring Test Management Summarization Systems Management Functions
Internet Management IP Network (Internet) UDP/IP Agent MO R UDP/IP Manager MA Set/Get/GetNext Req. Get Resp. Trap SNMP SMI Simple Network Management Protocol
13 What's New in SNMPv2 v No more Trap PDU, 3 New PDUs: getBulkReq, InformReq, SNMPv2-Trap v Added Security v 18 Error Status Values v SNMPv2 SMI / SNMPv2 MIB v M-to-M Communications v Table Operations v...
14 CMIP vs. SNMP CMIPSNMP GDMO Object-Oriented 7 Service Primitives Event-Oriented Connection-Oriented Scoping/Filtering Global Naming (X.500) Security Mechanism OSI Seven Layers Internet SMI Object-Based 5 Messages Polling Connectionless GetNext Local Naming (OID) Community Name Internet TCP/IP
X/Open XMP/XOM v X/Open = Portability v XMP Provide CMIS and SNMP Service API. Recognizes Both GDMO and SNMP MOs. v XOM Maps ASN.1 data to a uniform data structure "om_object". Provide API for the manipulation of om_objects. Base for XMP Interface.
16 XMP/XOM XOM Package Management Service Package Management Content Package Common Package CMIS Package SNMP Package DMI Package Other Package... OM WORKSPACE XOM APIXMP API Management Program
OMG's CORBA v Object Management Architecture Object Request Broker Application ObjectsCommon Facilities Object Services Common Object Request Broker Architecture
ITU-T TMN Exchange Transmission System Transmission Systems Data Communication Network Work Station Operations System TMN Telecommunication Network Telecommunications Management Network
20 TMN Physical Architecture OS DCN WS DCN QA NE QA TMN X X/F/Q3 F Q3 QX Q3/F QX MD
21 TMN Services and Functions ACSE + ROSE + CMISE Telecommunications Management Services and Components Management of Transmission Paths Management of Switched Network Management of Customer Services Telecommunications Management Functions ProvisioningMonitoring Fault correction Verification Restoration OSI Systems Management Functions Log Control SMF Event Report SMF Object SMF Accounting Meter SMF...
OSF DME Network Management Option Use IRB to Support XMP (CMIP and SNMP). Object Management Framework Extend CORBA to provide MRB. (I4DL) Use DCE's RPC for Broker Communications. Distributed Services Event Service, Print Service, Software Distributed Service, License Management Service, Subsystem Management Service, PC Service. Distributed Management Environment IRB: Instrumentation Request Broker MRB: Management Request Broker
DMTF DMI Desktop Management Interface Service Layer (SL) Management Interface (MI) Component Interface (CI) MIF DataBase MIF: Management Information Format
24 Service Layer Synchronization and Flow Control Management Interface Component Interface MIF Access MIF Set MIF Install MIF DataBase Request/Confirms Response/ConfirmsEvents/Response Indications Command Processing Event Processing MIF Processing
25 3. Issues in Open Management v Standardization is always in progress. v Options in standards will be an interoperability barrier. v Interoperability Testing. v Interworking among standards. v XMP/XOM API Complexity. v Coexistence with Legacy systems. v...
26 Potential Solutions v International Standard Profiles (ISPs). v Agreements and Specifications of NM Forum, OMG, X/Open, OSF,... v IIMC (ISO/ITU-T and Internet Management Coexistence) v A New CMIS API. v Open Management Edge (OME). v Follow OMNI Point
27 4. Conclusion v Open management is a big trend. v From element management to service management. v OSI management systems emerge. v TMN: a focal point v Follow, Join, or Lead?