March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial1 Distributed Data Analysis with PROOF Fons Rademakers Bring the KB to the PB not the PB to the KB
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial2 Outline What is PROOF, basic principles How is it implemented Setting up PROOF on a cluster PROOF on the Grid Running a PROOF session New exciting hardware Conclusions Demo
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial3 PROOF Original Design Goals Interactive parallel analysis on local cluster Transparency Same selectors, same chain Draw(), etc. on PROOF as in local session Scalability Quite good and well understood up to 1000 nodes (most extreme case) Extensive monitoring capabilities MLM (Multi-Level-Master) improves scalability on wide area clusters Adaptability Partly achieved, system handles varying load on cluster nodes MLM allows much better latencies on wide area clusters No support yet for coming and going of worker nodes
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial4 PROOF Parallel Execution root Remote PROOF Cluster proof TNetFile TFile Local PC $ root ana.C stdout/obj node1 node2 node3 node4 $ root root [0] tree->Process(“ana.C”) $ root root [0] tree->Process(“ana.C”) root [1] gROOT->Proof(“remote”) $ root root [0] tree->Process(“ana.C”) root [1] gROOT->Proof(“remote”) root [2] chain->Process(“ana.C”) ana.C proof proof = slave server proof proof = master server #proof.conf slave node1 slave node2 slave node3 slave node4 *.root TFile
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial5 PROOF Error Handling Handling death of PROOF servers Death of master Fatal, need to reconnect Death of slave Master can resubmit packets of death slave to other slaves Handling of ctrl-c OOB message is send to master, and forwarded to slaves, causing soft/hard interrupt
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial6 Authentication, Authorization Use (x)rootd authentication plugins Certificates (login and user name) Single experiment wide login User name used for sandbox Authorization to sandbox and shared global space Not to other user’s sandboxes under same account
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial7 PROOF New Features Support for “interactive batch” mode Allow submission of long running queries Allow client/master disconnect and reconnect Powerful, friendly and complete GUI Work in grid environments Startup of agents via Grid job scheduler Agents calling out to master (firewalls, NAT) Dynamic master-worker setup
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial8 PROOF Scalability 32 nodes: dual Itanium II 1 GHz CPU’s, 2 GB RAM, 2x75 GB 15K SCSI disk, 1 Fast Eth, 1 GB Eth nic (not used) Each node has one copy of the data set (4 files, total of 277 MB), 32 nodes: 8.8 Gbyte in 128 files, 9 million events 8.8GB, 128 files 1 node: 325 s 32 nodes in parallel: 12 s
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial9 Architecture and Implementation
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial10 TSelector – The User Code Basic ROOT TSelector // Abbreviated version class TSelector : public TObject { Protected: TList *fInput; TList *fOutput; public void Init(TTree*); void Begin(TTree*); void SlaveBegin(TTree *); Bool_t Process(int entry); void SlaveTerminate(); void Terminate(); };
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial11 INTERACTIVE ANALYSIS – SELECTORS (1) Create a selector: TFile *fESD = TFile::Open(“AliESDs.root”); TTree *tESD = (TTree *)fESD- >Get(“esdTree”); tESD->MakeSelector(); Modify the selector accordingly.
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial12 TChain – The Data Set A TChain is a collection of TTrees root[0] TChain *c = new TChain(“esd”); root[1] c->Add(“root://rcrs4001/a.root”); … root[10] c->Print(“a”); root[11] c->Process(“mySelector.C”, nentries, first); Returned by DB or File Catalog query etc. Use logical filenames (“lfn:…”)
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial13 Running a PROOF Session
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial14 Running PROOF TGrid *alien = TGrid::Connect(“alien”); TGridResult *res; res = alien->Query(“lfn:///alice/simulation/ /V0.6*.root“); TChain *chain = new TChain("AOD"); chain->Add(res); gROOT->Proof(“master”); chain->Process(“myselector.C”); // plot/save objects produced in myselector.C...
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial15 New PROOF GUI
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial16 New PROOF GUI
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial17 New PROOF GUI
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial18 New PROOF GUI
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial19 Conclusions
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial20 People Working On PROOF Maarten Ballintijn Bertrand Bellenot Gerri Ganis Jan Iwaszkiewics Guenter Kickinger Andreas Peters Fons Rademakers
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial21 Conclusions The PROOF system on local clusters provides efficient parallel performance on up to O(1000) nodes Combined with Grid middleware it becomes a powerful environment for “interactive” parallel analysis of globally distributed data
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial22 PROOF FOR ALICE CAF = CERN Analysis Facility Cluster running PROOF The CAF will be used for prompt processing of data pp: Analysis PbPb: Calibration & Alignment, pilot analysis
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial23 CAF test system 40 machines (each 2 CPUs, 200 GB disk) Disks organized as xrootd pool 8 TB Goal: up to 500 CPUs Next months: Intensive testing Usability Performance
CAF Schema Experiment Disk Buffer Tier-1 data export Tape storage CAF computing cluster Proof node local disk Proof node local disk Proof node local disk Proof node local disk Proof node local disk Proof node local disk... Sub set (moderated)
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial25 BACKUP
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial26 ROOT in a Nutshell An efficient data storage and access system designed to support structured data sets in very large distributed data bases (PetaBytes). A query system to extract information from these distributed data sets. The query system is able to use transparently parallel systems on the GRID (PROOF). A scientific visualization system with 2-D and 3-D graphics. An advanced Graphical User Interface. A C++ interpreter allowing calls to user defined classes. An Open Source Project (LGPL).
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial27 ROOT - An Open Source Project The project is developed as a collaboration between: Full time developers: 10 people full time at CERN 2 developers at FermiLab 1 key developer in Japan 2 key developer at MIT Many contributors spending a substantial fraction of their time in specific areas (> 50). Key developers in large experiments using ROOT as a framework. Several thousand users giving feedback and a very long list of small contributions, comments and bug fixes.
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial28 The ROOT Web Pages General Information and News Download source and binaries HowTo’s & tutorials User Guide & Reference Guide Roottalk mailing list & Forum
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial29 Data Access Strategies Each slave gets assigned, as much as possible, packets representing data in local files If no (more) local data, get remote data via (x)rootd (needs good LAN, like GB eth) In case of SAN/NAS just use round robin strategy
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial30 Workflow For Tree Analysis – Pull Architecture Initialization Process Wait for next command Slave 1 Process(“ana.C”) Packet generator Initialization Process Wait for next command Slave NMaster GetNextPacket () SendObject(histo) Add histograms Display histograms 0, , , , , ,40 440,50 590,60 Process(“ana.C”)
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial31 Interactive/Batch queries GUI Commands scripts Batch stateful or stateless stateless
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial32 AQ1: 1s query produces a local histogram AQ2: a 10mn query submitted to PROOF1 AQ3->AQ7: short queries AQ8: a 10h query submitted to PROOF2 BQ1: browse results of AQ2 BQ2: browse temporary results of AQ8 BQ3->BQ6: submit 4 10mn queries to PROOF1 CQ1: Browse results of AQ8, BQ3->BQ6 Monday at 10h15 ROOT session on my laptop Monday at 16h25 ROOT session on my laptop Wednesday at 8h40 Carrot session on any web browser Analysis Session Example
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial33 Sandbox – The Cache Minimize the number of file transfers One cache per file space Locking to guarantee consistency File identity and integrity ensured using MD5 digest Time stamps Transparent via TProof::Sendfile()
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial34 Sandbox – Package Manager Provide a collection of files in the sandbox Binary or source packages PAR files: PROOF ARchive. Like Java jar Tar file, ROOT-INF directory SETUP.C, per slave setting API to manage and activate packages
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial35 Merge API Collect output lists in master server Objects are identified by name Combine partial results Member function: Merge(TCollection *) Executed via CINT, no inheritance required Standard implementation for histograms and (in memory) trees Otherwise return the individual objects
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial36 TPacketizer – The Work Distributor The packetizer is the heart of the system It runs on the master and hands out work to the workers Different packetizers allow for different data access policies All data on disk, allow network access All data on disk, no network access Data on mass storage, go file-by-file Data on Grid, distribute per Storage Element
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial37 Interactive Analysis with PROOF on a Large Cluster PROOF USER SESSION PROOF SLAVE SERVERS PROOF MASTER SERVER PROOF SLAVE SERVERS Guaranteed site access through PROOF Sub-Masters calling out to Master (agent technology) PROOF SUB-MASTER SERVER PROOF PROOF PROOF Grid/Root Authentication Grid Access Control Service TGrid UI/Queue UI Proofd Startup Grid Service Interfaces Grid File/Metadata Catalogue Client retrieves list of logical files (LFN + MSN) Slave servers access data via xrootd from local disk pools
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial38 Exciting New Hardware
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial39 Multi-Core CPU’s Multi-Core CPU’s are the next step to stay on Moore’s performance curve AMD currently price/performance leader Dual-core Athlon64 X2 Dual-core Opteron Quad-core Opteron later this year Intel going same way following AMD, now shipping dual-core Pentium-M laptop CPU’s
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial40 Multi-Core CPU’s: They Deliver We recently acquired a dual-core Athlon AMD64 X One of the fastest machine ROOT has been compiled on (8m with parallel compile), and for sure the cheapest machine ever to deliver that performance Two CPU’s for the price and power consumption of one, forget about traditional SMP machines But not about SMP multi-core machines ;-)
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial41 TB Disks Current maximum is 500 GB 3.5” disks End of next year 1 TB 3.5” is within reach This means we will pass the breakeven point where it will be cheaper to have all the data on disk in stead of on tape
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial42 Sandbox – The Environment Each slave runs in its own sandbox Identical, but independent Multiple file spaces in a PROOF setup Shared via NFS, AFS, shared nothing File transfers are minimized Cache Packages
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial43 Setting Up PROOF
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial44 Setting Up PROOF Install ROOT system Add proofd and rootd to /etc/services The rootd (1094) and proofd (1093) port numbers have been officially assigned by IANA Start the rootd and proofd daemons (put in /etc/rc.d for startup at boot time) Use scripts provided in $ROOTSYS/etc Setup proof.conf file describing cluster Setup authentication files (globally, users can override)
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial45 PROOF Configuration File # PROOF config file. It has a very simple format: # # node [image= ] # slave [perf= ] # [image= ] [port= ] # [srp | krb5] # user on node csc02 image=nfs slave csc03 image=nfs slave csc04 image=nfs slave csc05 image=nfs slave csc06 image=nfs slave csc07 image=nfs slave csc08 image=nfs slave csc09 image=nfs slave csc10 image=nfs
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial46 PROOF on the Grid
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial47 PROOF Grid Interfacing Grid file catalog Data set creation Meta data, #events, time, run, etc. Event catalog PROOF agent creation Agents call out (no-incoming connection) Config file generation / zero config Grid aware packetizer Scheduled execution Limiting processing to specific part of the data set
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial48 TGrid – Abstract Grid Interface class TGrid : public TObject { public: virtual Int_t AddFile(const char *lfn, const char *pfn) = 0; virtual Int_t DeleteFile(const char *lfn) = 0; virtual TGridResult *GetPhysicalFileNames(const char *lfn) = 0; virtual Int_t AddAttribute(const char *lfn, const char *attrname, const char *attrval) = 0; virtual Int_t DeleteAttribute(const char *lfn, const char *attrname) = 0; virtual TGridResult *GetAttributes(const char *lfn) = 0; virtual void Close(Option_t *option="") = 0; virtual TGridResult *Query(const char *query) = 0; static TGrid *Connect(const char *grid, const char *uid = 0, const char *pw = 0); ClassDef(TGrid,0) // ABC defining interface to GRID services };
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial49 TGridTAlien TAlienFileTFile xrootd GRID Service Authentication - Job-Interface - Catalogue-Interface - File Listing/Location/Query TFile Plugin Implementation for the “alien://” protocol Uses TAlien methods to translate “alien://” => “root://” URL (or others) TXNetFile TGrid::Connect(“alien://..) TFile::Open(“alien://..) UI to GRID Services + Files Abstract GRID Base Classes GRID Plugin Classes Alien API Service AliEn Grid Interface
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial50
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial51
March 13, 2006PROOF Tutorial52 Conclusions The arrival of cheap and low power multi- core CPUs and very large disks is changing the landscape Many new PROOF developments are scheduled for the coming months that allow us to achieve the new exciting goals that will hugely enhance the data analysis experience of very large data sets