The Spooky Skeleton This is about the human body.
Contents 1.BonesBones 2.LegLeg 3.ArmArm 4.BackBack 5.SkullSkull 6.Interesting factsInteresting facts 7.JointsJoints
Bones Bones are six times stronger than Steel. Our bones are very strong heavy out side layer. some people can move our ears a little bit The femur is biggest and strongest bone There are 206 bones in your body.
Leg Your Femur is in your upper leg. The patella is your knee cap. Fibula and tibia is in your lower leg the femur is the longest bone in your body Your pelvic is part of the leg.
Arm Your Ulna and Radius is in your lower arm. Your arm has 30 bones in your arm. The funny bone is not a bone it is a nerve. The top bone is called the humerus. The arm is connected to the scalpula.
Back A human spine has the same number of vertebrae as a Giraffes neck. The spinal cord is in the spine. It sends messages to the brain and all parts of the body. There are between 26 and 33 vertebrae in the human spine. The spine keeps the body upright. The ribs are connected to the spine.
Skull Your face is made up of 14 bones. Your skull is like a helmet. A babies skull at first is soft because the bones aren't fully developed. Your skull has 24 bones in it. Your skull has sockets four your ears and eyes.
Interesting facts Ligaments connect bones to bones. There are many different types of bones Bone Marrow helps produce white blood cells. If we didn’t have a Skeleton our Skin, Muscles and Organs would be a puddle on the floor.
Joints There are 6 different joints in your bones. Your elbow is a hinge joint. You have a joint in your knee. You have lots of joints in your hand. Your joints connect us together.