Monkey Island Chapter 2 “The Outside”
1.What time of day is it when this chapter begins? –Nighttime
2.Where is Clay when this chapter begins? –On the streets of NYC, alone
3.Why didn’t Clay call his grandmother in Oregon? –When Clay’s father married his mother, an Italian, the grandmother did not want to have any more to do with him.
4.What things did Clay see and hear on the city streets? - car alarms - neon lights - dark, smelly alley ways - cats and dogs - tall buildings
5. Describe the park Clay saw? - triangular - trees - leaves - hedges - overflowing trash baskets - cardboard boxes on the ground - homeless people - a van with no tires
6.Why did Clay go to the park with the homeless people? –Clay had been scared of some other places where he had tried to sleep.