Evaluating Configuration Management Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Suite 1042 700 Galleria Parkway Atlanta, GA 30339 DAVID M. FARR Manager Configuration Management 770-644-8432 Farrdm@inpo.org 0616 CMBG Breakout Session #4 CM Evaluation Criteria.PPT
Well-Managed and Understood Safety, Design, and Operational Margins Well Managed Margins OR.5 Station leadership establishes a culture that thoughtfully manages safety, design, & operational margins An “Enabler” CM.1 Plant equipment configuration is rigorously maintained and performance is consistent with design and licensing requirements CM.4 Processes that are used to control plant design bases are defined and validated Well-Managed and Understood Safety, Design, and Operational Margins The “Outcome” CM.2 Roles and responsibilities for establishing and maintaining licensing and design basis are understood and applied consistently CM.3 Day-to-day activities are conducted in a way that ensures operational and design margins are maintained
Design and Operating Margins Model Functional/Design Failure Greater than design basis range Design margin ( This is a prohibited range of operation and represents the additional conservative margin to account for uncertainties in design and construction ) Design or Tech Spec Basis Limit Analyzed transient range ( Design allows operation in the transient range. However operating restrictions consistent with the design, such as the magnitude and frequency of excursions into this range apply) Operating Point Limit Operating margin Allowed operating range ( The allowed operating range provides the normal margins operators use without violating setpoints ) Normal Operating Point
Evaluating Configuration Management Licensing Bases Plant specific requirements to ensure compliance with licensing and design assumptions. Design and Engineering Bases Fundamental requirements for SSC to ensure licensing bases are met. Design constraints to ensure owner’s requirements are met. Technical Requirements Parameters that define the function of performance of a given SSC. Parameters that ensure the design and engineering bases are met. Configuration control practices Licensing Bases Design and Engineering Bases Technical Requirements
Evaluation Building Blocks Outcome Outcome Evaluation plans Enablers Observations Attributes AFIs Strengths Noteworthy comments Area Summaries
Evaluating Configuration Management Design Requirements Documented & Retrievable Personnel Trained On Plant Changes Sound Engineering Programs Physical Plant Matches Documentation IFPT&E Controlled Written Guidance Controls CM Functions Good Craft Workmanship Design Interfaces Effective Degraded Conditions Evaluated OR.5 Leadership Establishes Culture for CM SSCs Meet Requirements CM.4 Plant Design Is Controlled & Validated Design Control Is Rigorous CM.1 Performance Consistent with Design Requirements Field Changes Evaluated Margins Verified Thru Testing Well Managed Margins PM & PdM Validates Margins Safety Evaluations Are Thorough CM.3 Day-today Activities Ensure Config. Control Maintained CM.2 Roles & Responsibilities Understood Sound Parts Evaluations Design Authority is Clear OP and MA Maintain Status Plant Design & Operating Margins Documented Degraded Conditions Resolved Aggressively Vulnerabilities Identified Proper Vendor Oversight Training Addresses Roles Contingencies Planned Extent of Condition Investigated EOP and AOP Bases Documented Emergent Issues Promptly Investigated