Purpose of the course Why Renewable Energy Sources Barriers to RES Renewable energy sources: Potential and characterization Renewable Energy Technologies: State-of-the art Future perspectives
Evaluation Written exam 2 works on any two parts of the program orally presented in two Power Points (10 m). Dates: 1st presentation: May 10 & 17 2nd presentation: June 14 & 15 The works to be made by 2 students (the contribution from each student must be identified) Approval if the written exam (N1) exceeds 8.5 and FC=0.6N1+0.2N2+0.2N3>9.5 (N2 and N3 are the classification obtained in the two works)
Relevant dates Communication by the students of the theme for the first work – before April 22 Communication by the students of the theme for the second work – before June 4 Exam dates: to be fixed between July 1 and 7.
Contacts Fénix home page of the RER course Power Points presented in the lectures Selected reports, papers, etc. Contacts:
Some bibliography: G. Boyle (ed.). Renewable Energy. 2nd edition. Oxford Univ. Press, J. Twidell, T. Weir. Renewable Energy Resources. 2nd edition. Taylor & Francis, B. Sorensen. Renewable Energy. 3rd edition. Academic Press, Renewables Information: IEA Statistics International Energy Agency, A.V. da Rosa. Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Processes. Elsevier, Forum Energias Renováveis em Portugal. INETI, T. Burton, D. Sharpe, N. Jenkins, E. Bossanyi, Wind Energy Handbook. Wiley, J.F. Manwell, J.G. McGowan, A.L. Rogers. Wind Energy Explained. Wiley, J. Cruz (ed.). Ocean Wave Energy. Springer, D.Y. Goswami, F. Kreith, J.F. Kreider. Principles of Solar Energy. 2nd. edition, Taylor & Francis, M.H. Dickson, M. Fanelli (eds). Geothermal Energy. UNESCO, 2003.